Life for Bree

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4 years passed Bree was know 5. I looked out of my kitchen window I saw my daughter grooming her palomino pony. She was a good girl. I decided to go to my daughters room. I walked into her room to see her money scattered all over her desk. Her pink walls reminded me of marshmallows. I was pregnant with my second child wondering where his/her room was going to be. I loved Bree's room it had horse wall stickers and was always was so tidy. Then there's mine. Parents never have time to clean there rooms. I know what your thinking right their just to lazy. As a person I think the same but for some parents it's not true. "Hey Amelia I'm home" said Charley. If your wondering Mia is short for Amelia. "Hey Charley" I replied. "DADDY" squealed Bree immediately running inside. A tear of happiness fell from my eye as I watched my daughter wrap her hands around my husbands neck. I knew that Charley and I should tell her the secret soon. I knew that she was going to be sad when she found out. "Watch this" Bree yelled as she jumped onto the trampoline. She did a handstand and went into a walkover. My husband clapped and cheered at the top of his voice. Then he walked into the kitchen pretending I didn't exist. "Umm, Charley I think we should tell her sooner then later" I said. "We have kept this secret long enough" I tried. "This relationship is not working at all" I said angrily "what are you angry at me for? What?" I growled. "Don't worry" he mumbled and walked into the lounge room. I went outside and began stroking my beautiful blue roan horse. "Are you and daddy really braking up?" Asked a small voice from behind me. I turned around to see Bree with tears in her eyes. "Yes darling" I whispered. She turned around and slowly walked into the house. Tears sprung into my eyes, my heart skipped a beat. Did I do something wrong to my husband? Why is he angry? The next morning I got out of my warm double bed. It wasn't as warm without Charley. I made the bed and put my dressing gown on. I tied it slowly and slipped my ug-boots on. I walked into the cold kitchen and put some toast in the toaster and cooked myself some egg and bacon to eat with it. Bree got up and was in the hall way peering into the kitchen. "Hello Darling, your up early" I smiled. "Good morning Mummy" said Bree. I smiled. "I love you Brianna" I said softly. Bree burst into tears. I walked over to her and lifted her up in my strong hands. I put her on the couch and I sat next to her. I hugged her close and whispered "what's wrong Brianna Darling?" "I don't want you and daddy to brake up" she sobbed. "Ohhhh darling, it's okay" I said softly. I hugged her tighter. She was warm. I wiped her tears of her Rosie red cheeks. "I don't think we will be braking up any time soon Brianna" I said. "Why not" said Bree surprised. "Because we have horses to feed. Non of us could afford to buy a whole new house just because of divorce at the moment" I said. I got up and grabbed my eggs and bacon out of the frying pan and my toast out the toaster. "Want some?" I asked. "Yes" replied Bree.

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