That night

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Leon's POV

"FUCK THIS " -I shout throwing the vase of my table , I'm acting like a fucking woman , anyways , why do I even have flowers in my room , maybe my fucking mum put them here , 'it makes the room smell nice ' of fuck it ,fuck the flowers , fuck everything ... fuck her

God damn it ! She 's such a bitch , it isn't my fault she's fucking clingy, she always complains - about everything ! It isn't mu fault this one time , ONE time , ONE FUCKING TIME i wanna have it my way . I can't go out , I can't have an opinion , I can't do nothing . She such a bitch !

After 3 days

I can't take it anymore, I need to end this .

I arrive at her house

No one is awake . Of course no one is awake , it 's 3 am you stupid dick

I walk up the stairs , and I 'm starting to get anxiety .

I open the door ,see her sleep and my anger softens a little

I head over to the window and sit on her little chair ,or puff I don't fucking know what this is . I just stare at her .

I feel so weird , I love her ,but I'm to angry to recognize it now , fuck it ....




I see her journal besides me and I know I'm going to regret this later .

I read almost everything and I'm blown away of how much I am in this journal ,her drawings , the way she writes , everything .

I see the way she feels about me .

I should stop and go home .

I put the journal down and go to kiss her forehead but she wakes up , oh darn it !

"Leon " she whimpers

"Hey baby " I say while moving her hair from her face

"Why are you here ? "

" I came to Say i'm sorry " yeah right

She smiled At me . Great Now i feel Like an idiot
She leans in to kiss me and i softly kiss her back ... the carnal instinct inside me kicks in and tower over her , covering anything innocent about her with my whole body .

This is going to be the best night of her life .

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