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A Year back, I remember this day,
standing and shedding happy tears
to see something coming true
And it was no-one but You!

It felt like a happy dream,
An unexpected feeling and emotion
which I only heard or prayed for
And it was no-one but You!

You felt like a blessing to me,
answer to that endless invocation
that have filled colors to my life
And it was no-one but You!

It's hard to find a soulmate
on whom you can count
in the thick and thin times
And it was no-one but You!

Whenever I was happy
to whenever I was in grief
I only wanted one person
And it was no-one but You!

I never thought that
Listening name or reading messages
can make one's day, and it happened
And it was no-one but You!

Now standing again on the same day
I can proudly say to you that
I have fallen for you
And it's always been You, Love!


-' You'll always have a special place in my heart no matter what the situation gets '


THE STARS REMIND ME OF YOU {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now