alec - birthday

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You slowly open your eyes to the outfit you put together last night. Today was your 21th birthday, your day. And the first birthday you'd celebrate at the institute. You slipped on your clothes and braided your hair. You put on make up and put on some high heels too. You walked out your room, smiling.
your outfit:

You walked to breakfast and saw they were serving your favorite food: pancakes

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You walked to breakfast and saw they were serving your favorite food: pancakes. You get food and walk to your table with a bright smile on your face. You sit down between Izzy and Clary. "What's got you all happy?" Jace asks.

He didn't know. He forgot. They forgot. Which means that Alec forgot too. You didn't want to seem like you wanted attention so you decided not to say anything. "Oh nothing." Your face was serious again.

You guys talked about the weather and hunting demons, but most information passed you by. When someone made a joke you laughed, but you were never really happy. It was your birthday, and no one even knew.

After breakfast, you immediately go up to your room and lay down on your bed. You feel something warm slide along your cheek and realise you're crying. Damn it. You think. The deal was no crying.

You hear a knock on the door. "Just a second!" You yell. You wipe your tears away and grab a book from your bedside table and pretend to be reading. "Come in!"

Alec opens the door and enters your room. "Are you okay? I didn't see you since breakfast." He looks at you. "Wait, have you been crying???"
"No..?" You softly lie, knowing you're a really bad liar.
"You have! Why?"
"I really haven't been crying!" You say a little more convincing.
"Yes you have! Now tell me why!"
"I haven't"
"Y/N, tell me why!" He slowly approaches your bed.
"Fine. I have been crying."
He looks at you like you're stupid.
"Well, I already knew that. My question is; why?!"
"It doesn't matter, it's stupid anyway."
"Well, it does matter to me."
"I'm not telling you."

He's now standing right next to your bed.
"Yes you are. Otherwise I'll tickle you to death." He starts tickling you, you squirm and try to get away from him, giggling like a 12yearold girl. Though you hate it when people tickle you, you feel butterflies in your stomach. Stupid feelings. You think.

You try a new tactic, fighting him off. You try to roll away, and push him away but it doesn't work.
"F- fi- fi- ne" you manage to say in between laughing. He stops tickling you.

"So, what made you upset."
"Promise me you won't laugh at me."
"I promise, now tell me."
"It's my birthday today, and everybody forgot. Even Izzy, my best friend. And most importantly, you forgot." It took a few seconds for him to answer, and a blush creeped up your cheeks.
"First of all, happy birthday Y/N. And I'm so sorry that we forgot! And second, why would it be so important that I forgot. I mean, Izzy is your best friend, I'm just her brother."

You try to think of a good excuse. Damn it, why did I say that last part!!
You internally scream before you say this.

"Okay, don't freak out, and this doesn't mean that I want anything to change. I mean I do, but only if you want to and if you don't I-"
"Okay, Y/N, you're really freaking me out right now. Just tell me, what is it."
"I- I-" You stop talking.
"What is it?"

At this point he's sitting on your bed, your faces are only a few inches apart.
"What..?" He nervously smiles at you, but you see the concern in is eyes.

You slowly move your head closer to his, and before you know it, your lips are on his.

After what feels like forever, but actually is a second you realise what you're doing and immediately pull away. "I'm so so—"

Alec cups your face with his hands and kisses you again, but more passionate than last time. You close your eyes and melt into the kiss. He slides his tongue along your bottom lip, asking for an entrance.

Then his tongue is exploring every inch of your mouth, as you softly moan his name. You place your arms aroud his neck and he slides his hands down to your waist.

After a few minutes, he pulls away. You open your eyes to see his beautiful smile.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that." Alec says.

"Best. Birthday. Ever." You reply.
A/N: I actually kinda like this. I hope you do too.

xx me

740 words - excluding A/N

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