☽დ T W O: A Birthday to Remember PART I

Start from the beginning

He hoped to make Guinevere smile and that would have normally worked except Guinevere seemed really confused and unintentionally hurt because of how her present to her Uncle Micah was presented earlier.

It was the reason why Quinn and Guinevere were having an isolated discussion in the main house. 

The party for the alpha had been in full swing when the coven arrived (with a few extra witches to join them). The new witches were welcomed and had been introduced to the alpha and his family---the King and Queen were presented to the coven and they all bowed instinctively. Sebastian might have winced a bit.

After their greetings, however, Mrs. Bumpkins waddled over and inquired the whereabouts of Guinevere. 

The woman placed her hands on her hips, lips pursed as usual. 

"Perhaps you should take a rest from your long trip before jumping into magical affairs, don't you think, Mrs. Bumpkins?" Eleni suggested. 

Mrs. Bumpkins' face softened as it always did with the queen. The witch sighed that she found it best to get business out of the way before pleasantries. 

"She's five years old, Eleni." Mrs. Bumpkins reminded the queen. "Her Life Path does not go beyond this year. Reason being is your Moon Goddess can't see it. She was unable to thread anything for the child."

 As alarming as that sounded for them all, they knew this. They knew that the sole purpose of Sebastian's and Ike's existence was Guinevere. The Moon Goddess was able to see as far as Guinevere being born to Ike and Gesa but beyond the child's fifth year of life, the Moon Goddess was blind.

Mrs. Bumpkins believed this was because of how exceptional Guinevere was. The witch thinks maybe the deity can't see Guinevere's future because the deity wouldn't be around long enough to see it.

There was the worry---based on the discussions Mrs. Bumpkins and Quinn had with the Moon Goddess---that the world as they knew it was going to disappear. Piece by piece it would diminish and take everything and everyone with it. 

Of course, this was shared with the King and Queen who suggested this did not go beyond their party. There was no need to cause a panic when nothing was confirmed; however, their Majesties did want to prepare for such pandemonium. Which was why the coven would leave for "training" for months at a time. They were in search of a solution to the deterioration of their world---hoping to prevent it.

Mrs. Bumpkins raised a brow at their Majesties. "I believe you both don't need me to tell you it's not a coincidence our world is headed for non-existence with a werewolf child like your granddaughter around. With her abilities, perhaps the Moon Goddess feels Guinevere is the answer."

Sebastian's brows furrowed, jaw clenched. He growled as he told the witch that he would not allow Mrs. Bumpkins to interrogate his granddaughter on solutions to what could only be called 'dooms day'. He reminded the witch Guinevere was still a child and Sebastian wanted to keep her that way for as long as she was able to be. 

"Whether you feel business should be taken care of, Rolla," Sebastian narrowed his eyes and Mrs. Bumpkins frowned; not unusual for whenever the pair argued over---sorry, discussed---things. 

His Majesty narrowed his eyes further. "Guinevere adores her Uncle Micah. This is his celebration and Guinevere being taken away to be mentally prodded for answers to saving the world does not settle me any."

Eleni rested her hand on Sebastian's chest. She patted it gently, whispering something that made Sebastian glance her way. He grunted, shooting Mrs. Bumpkins a look before walking away.

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