(Chapter 14) - Intercepted

Comenzar desde el principio

Centaur then politely bows at him then follows Zepp...

He wiped his sweat and finally breathe in relief...

Yuuto: "Shit... First hornet, now her... what's with their getup anyway? always wearing some little fabric clothes?"

The commander was now walking towards his office when someone stopped him...

Columbia: "Yo commander!" One of Cleveland's sisters called him...

Yuuto: "Oh. what's up..." he greets up acting coooooooooool...

Columbia: "Well big sis is calling you, she said that someone important wants to meet you..."

Yuuto: "Lead the way then..." he said as Columbia escorted him to the docks...


Cleveland: "Commander! you finally made it. I was starting to doubt that Columbia didn't get ya..." she smiles as her little sister pouts...

Yuuto: "Well sorry for the wait... Hm? Your also here... Hornet, and." He trails off when he saw his secretary... "Enterprise..." he scratched his head...

Enterprise couldn't look at him in the eyes, and starts to blush a little... just remembering last night, was enough to make her heart race...

And at her side was their oldest sister... Yorktown...

Yuuto: "So you must be their oldest sister. Yorktown am i correct?"

Yorktown: "Yes. i am... And i am glad that i got to meet you commander Yuuto..."

Yorktown then hold his hand and thanked him... "I thank you for the medicine that you developed... not only that but as for taking care also of my troublesome sisters..."

Enterprise and Hornet then thought. are they really that troublesome? The two pouts at her...

Yuuto: "No need for thanks... I just heard about your condition after listening to Hornet's phone call..."

She smiles... but that smile can give someone chills... especially her...

Yorktown: "As thanks, You have my blessing to marry my sisters..." she smiled deviously...


It took 3 seconds until Cleveland yelled in shock...

Cleveland: "Eh?!!!"

Columbia: Whoa..."

Monteplier: "..."

Denver: "Wow..."

Hornet: "W-What?!"

Enterprise: "Big sis Yorktown?! what are you saying?"

The two started blushing red and Yorktown replies...

Yorktown: "You have no problems with that. am i right Commander~? sge seductively asked...

Yuuto: "That's-"

Hammann: "That's a big problem big sister!" she hugs Yorktown and continues... "We don't know what this pervert will do to them!"

Yorktown: "Oh~ like what Hammann?"

Hammann then imagined what Yuuto will do to Hornet, and Enterprise. all the foreplay started playing at her head...

Steam came out of her ears and started running away...

Yuuto: "Like i was about to say? Why would came up with a reward like that?!"  he asked first before answering her question...

Yorktown: "Think about preserving the bloodline..." she smiles deviously...

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