2 - You Better!

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BSL in bold italics, Text Messages in plain bold.

Trigger warning - PTSD.

Blue and Harry walk out of the library, side by side with respectable distance between them. He randomly steals glances and admires the side of her beautiful face.

He watches her finish a rather angry looking phone call.

Harry slowly studies her lips but he's already picked on her being a fast paced talker and she seems to be angry. He cannot tell because she does not seem to be a typical angry person with the frowns and she's obviously not going to turn red.

He catches himself and decides to mind his business. Waiting for her to finish, he wonders more about her and starts wondering about her name.

Blue. That is an interesting name. He wants to know if she was named after the colour or something else. What if it's not her real name?

The over thinking sends him and he tightens the grip on the strap of his backpack. He clears his throat and feels someone tug at the sleeve of his jumper.

He turns to see Blue staring at him with that radiant smile of hers.

Blue studies how Harry seems to have zoned out in thought and the nosy part of hers wants to know what's going on in his head but it will be smarter to mind her business.

She knows they're waiting for his interpreter to join them before they go their different ways.

"Hey, I'm done with the call," she waves her phone.

Harry gently nods before signing "Luce will be here in a bit."

"How far is your place from here?" she asks.

"Not that far," he answers.

"I'm going through the mall, you?"

"Different route," he signs before looking away.

Blue frowns, noticing his subtle switch in mood and gently touches his arm to maintain his attention but he's clearly avoiding eye contact.

The problem is without eye contact, there's no communication except she's going to start texting him on the spot.

"What's wrong, new friend?" Blue slowly sighs with her not so great sign.

Harry smiles weakly and quickly shakes his head.

"Too late, I'm the mother hen in this dynamic," she says with a frown.

"You looked upset during your phone call and I didn't want to intrude," He briskly signs.

Blue panics because she sadly didn't understand everything he just signed and she pulls herself together before weakly chuckling.

"You signed that a little too fast," she says.

He instantly flushes pink and feels extremely warm on the inside realising he wanted to get it out as soon as he could but that's created more problems.

Harry's eyes fall on her lips as they twitch with a teasing smile.

"Are you upset?" he asks and points at her phone.

"Oh! Right, I did yell at some point," she slowly nods. "I was upset but we're good."

"Yeah I noticed your face and had to ask," Harry clarifies. "I'm not nosy or whatever."

"You're obsessed with me, I'm used to it," Blue rolls her eyes.

"No, I just couldn't rely on your facial expression alone, genius," he retorts.

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