ch 1 the date

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I was walking home from school with not a care in the world about my girlfriend in my backpack....... Ok let me start over name is Lucifer Morningstar I know my parents have weird naming habits but they were a bunch of old cultists I say we're because there kinda dead now. I'm adopted and my new parents are really cool people just a little strict like the rule about no music other than Christine rock in the house,no tv after 9, you have to be in bed by 930 and the biggest of all and the o girls policy which is the one I'm about to break .

As I'm walking down the street I hear a voice say "can ya be anymore rough" "sorry Alex I'm just trying not to be late" I continue walking and get to my house a nice two story in a suburb were every house looks the same as I'm walking through the door I yell" mom I'm home" I here from the kitchen" how was your day today" "it was pretty normal"I hear a little snikering from my back just quite enough for me to hear but not my mom "anyways I'ma just go up to my room now so talk to you later mom"

I slam the door to my room shut and gently sit down my bag and I'm zip it. "God it's fucking hot in that thing" "sorry Alex it was the only way" "no problem babe just lets never do that again" and she kisses my cheek I know it's a she because when she turned back into her human form she was completely naked so I toss her one of my shirts and some gym shorts while she gets the underwear she stored in her back pack out and puts them on "ready for our date?" "Hell yeah" and we both jump up on to my bed and cuddle while watching Netflix and a few hours later we fall asleep.

AN sorry for all the grammar in this chapter I'm still getting used to this writing thing
And while this book is going on I'm putting my other book on pause love you guys thx for reading

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