00; fair game to be shot

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fair game to be shot. ━━━━ prologue


SHE COULD FEEL THE EXHAUSTION TUGGING AT HER, burning behind her eyelids that were embellished with an agglomeration of raw purples and reds

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SHE COULD FEEL THE EXHAUSTION TUGGING AT HER, burning behind her eyelids that were embellished with an agglomeration of raw purples and reds. One of many surface wounds that decorated her body - a mere distraction and silver lining to the wounds festering inside her aching joints. Her harsh breaths drowned out the slapping noise of her teammate's shoes that resonated through the trophy dominated walls of the court with a clanging echo. Each twitching of her fingers tugged at the scabs barely holding her torn skin together. The rise and fall of her hunched shoulders inflicted a round of self loathing and bitter resentment. She was fucking worthless.

"Get up." A voice drawled, apathy coating each syllable with meticulous care. It hung in the air like humidity, coating her in sweat and left her stinking of fear. She couldn't help but freeze, her muscles locking up with weariness as the predator stalked forward, impenitent to her current state. Black combat boots careening across the glossy flooring, stride purposeful.

"Number 28, this is your last warning." The threat was clear. It wrapped around her throat in a choking hold. Her joints ached as her hand slid forward to grapple the floor for friction, only to lurch forward onto to her forearms. No, no, no, no. There was a rustling of material and a soft clinking of metal before a male shrouded in black and intricate ink perched next to her pounding head, tattooed fingers flexing around a ball-tip pen and paper filled clipboard. Her instincts roared at him to beg for mercy but a Raven did everything but plead, they domineered - they didn't cower. If they were to go against what was forbidden, they were disposed of. 

Fingertips threaded themselves through the netting of her facemask, snapping her face forward and up. Her neck creaked at the sudden assault, pain flaring to only rapidly numb when her throbbing eyes met with ones of pure dispassion. The darkness outlined within the almond eye shape that painted Rihitio Moriyama's face petrified her ━ nothing good came out of that obscurity. It was an expression that was shared between the Moriyama sons, although Riko wore it with a more violent and brash fashion, Rihitio would clandestine his. It would be ignorant to ignore the venom simmering. It would be ludicrous to underestimate Rihitio Moriyama.

"You know anything that moves on all fours is fair game to be shot." It was a simple phrase but her body flared, the rising feeling of nausea rose up and threatened the seam of her bloodied and cracked lips. There was a beat of silence before Rihitio's lips parted, baring his teeth, "So if you value your position on this court and team, stop grovelling and get up."

Rihitio unthreaded his fingers before his knuckles rapped a patronising rhythm against her black and red helmet. The sharp sound oscillated around her throbbing head piercingly causing her to let out a soft hiss. The cry of pain didn't go unnoticed by Rihitio but choosing to ignore it, he swiftly rose to his feet to withdraw but something stilled his step.


"Tell me why Number 28 is still on the floor." Even with her eyes trained heavily on the glossy court floors, she could feel the scathing eyes of her captain harshly scrutinizing her. Her throat ached for the relief of air but the fear that came with disappointing Riko caused her oesophagus to cinch.

A heavy kick to her unprotected ribs caused her to lose balance and land heavily on her side, the racquet she dropped previously dug brutally into her soft skin. Her teeth snagged on her tongue to stop a small cry of pain from escaping. Whilst Rihitio ignores such weakness, it would only fuel Riko's subversive tendencies. 

"Her legs buckled halfway through the drill." Rihitio drawled, slanting her an indignant look but with a quick swipe down his face, his expression schooled into jaded disinterest. "She isn't performing to her best, her timing has slowed since Monday's practise. I'll personally deal with it."

"I didn't ask you to deal with anything brother." Riko snapped hotly, although his eyes were trained intently on her cowering figure, "Your drills were aimed to weed out the weak and it seems we ensnared our first liability." The smile that spread across Riko's face was deranged.

She could feel her body pounding with the voracious urge to run, to escape the cruelty behind the blow she would soon be dealt with but the overstimulation of the situation was paralyzing. Around her, Edgar Allen's Raven's looked on with scattered expressions of concern, disgust and apathy. The first year's eyes darted around to their fellow teammates, mimicking their looks to settle on a mutual expression that wouldn't ostracise them. The older Raven's simply looked away with their self-designated emotions and continued on with their drills lest the Master come in and discipline them.

Despite the Raven's being a banded team architectured to put on a front of unity and discipline, the cracks that formed between the appointed Perfect Court and the double-digit number hierarchy deepened with each strike.  

Hindering the need to succumb to the primal needs of her body's limits, she rolled onto her knees and with shaky limbs, grasped the sweat slicken racket. Without another word, she offered it up to Riko. Her captain would never deal out punishments with his own racquet, for blood was a pesky thing to wash out of mesh.

Until she learnt how to play to the Moriyama trio's satisfaction in this inhumane captivity, the bite of racquet against her skin would always be excruciating.


riko: oh you fucked up...let me get psychotic real quick

every raven & rihitio:

just realised the pros to being one of the first all for the game fics on wattpad is that there is no bar i have to live up to lmao

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just realised the pros to being one of the first all for the game fics on wattpad is that there is no bar i have to live up to lmao. chapters will be longer btw !! this is just a prologue to get a glimpse into the life of rihitio. anyway - i'd love to hear your feedback on this, even if it's just you calling riko a musty bitch. love you guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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