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"Hey Mia!"

"Mia wait up!"  

"Mia!!" I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Oh, Connor." Connor was 5'9" , head full of shaggy brown hair with bits of hazel highlights, and also with an electrifying green eyes that made anyone fall for him, that is except me.

"Mia, I've been calling you for the past week, why haven't you answered?"  If there was a word to describe Connor it would've been persistent .

"Sorry Connor, I've been -busy." I technically wasn't lying, or maybe I was. Just a little.

"Well when aren't you busy?" See the problem with the people I go to school with is that they don't understand what the word 'busy' means.

"I'm afraid I'm busy all week, sorry Connor." I gave him a sympathetic smile and made a turn to leave.

"I know what you're up to Mia." I turned back.

"I'm not up to anything, Connor."

"Well I mean of course you're not, because if you were, mommy and daddy dearest wouldn't be happy about it."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I started walking away.

"Make sure you don't dent my car tonight." This time I didn't turn back, but I only kept on walking.


I took the long way home, I didn't want to get home early tonight. Connor knew. He knew one of the things that could potentially ruin my chance at a normal life. I had no need to work, so why did I take up that offer? Well I didn't exactly ever fit in with the lifestyle my parents lived. Fancy Houses, Luxurious Cars, thousands of dollars worth of clothes - yeah that totally wasn't me at all. Yeah it was the lifestyle anyone could ever dream of, but it wasn't what I wanted. What I wanted was for my parents to actually pay attention to the A+ I got in Chemistry or the time in kindergarten when I got Student of the Month.

I came upon a huge rock on my walk, indicating that I was more than halfway home. Lucky for me Connor wasn't the one to go babbling on stories that weren't his to tell, but for his silence there was always a price to pay. But only time could tell exactly what that was going to be.

I looked up at the elegant white - I mean 'Eggshell' White House; my mom would often correct me on it . Everything was quiet, a sure sign that no one was home, as always.I run up to my room, grab my uniform out of the back of my closet and stuff it into a torn up backpack; a backpack I've grown to love in the past couple months. I run back down to

the kitchen and go out the back door. Running seems to be a trend in this house.


I worked at the Chateu Orleans a couple towns away from my house. No one knew who I was or who my parents were, which was the one thing I loved about this job. Although many influential people often ate here, they were to busy looking good for the cameras and would never take a look at me.

"Hey Kody!" I waved at my partner for tonight. Kody was born in South Africa and he had an accent to die for. His outrageous sense of style and sense of humour was one of the many reasons I made it my task to become his friend.

"Yo, Mia! Your friend Lacey is such a tiger in-"

"Kody don't you dare finish that sentence."

"Don't worry girl, it's nothing you can't imagine." Here comes the wink . . . He winks. Ahhhhh there it is. Kody was one of the biggest players I knew and he couldn't help but shags anyone that I ever introduced to him.

"Well you've got that right. How's the work flow?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Not too bad. Surprisingly slow from what I've heard, we'll be fine babe." I tie my hair up and put on my black converse. We walk out and let Michael and Alex, the day time valets, know that we were ready to take our shifts.

"Hey Mia, mind taking the next car?"

"No problem." I straighten my black dress and fix my blazer. I walk to a Black Mercedes and proceed to open the passenger door.

"I've got it." I hear a voice behind me. I step out of the way and look over to Kody, who just gives me a sideways smile. A tall, built man steps into my spot that I was in no more than a couple seconds ago. His Rolex watch illuminated by the lights outside when he makes his move to carefully help his, what I assumed was his date, out of the car.

"Mia Watch Out!" I look at Kody and I get blindsided by the insane amount of camera flashes coming my way. I quickly turn around and cover myself with my bangs that weren't long enough to tuck into my ponytail. Kody was one of the very few people that knew what life was like for me, and he always had my back.

"May I have your keys please?" I ask the man but still remained turned around.

"They are in the cup holder. Careful not to scratch it." And the award for most used line goes to . . .

"Sure thang boss." I whisper as I close the passenger door and rush to the other side. I make sure I get it into the car lot without a scratch, which wasn't hard.

I come rushing back and as Kody had suspected the night was slower than usual.

"So I heard that guy with the Mercedes is none other than Trevor Vander." I look at him with a confused expression.

"Never heard of him." I sit back in my seat.



"You're living the high life and you don't know who Trevor Vander is?"  He looks at me with disbelief.

"Shhhh keep it down. No I don't know who he is."  The cameras start flashing again. Damn that was a short date. I see his date coming out with sunglasses on. Except here's the catch, it's night time. This is probably another failed date, I've seen a lot of these way too many times. I stand up.

"Hey I'll call a cab for you." Still having my back towards the cameras.

"Thank you." She looks at me and takes off her glasses to reveal tear stained eyes and mascara stained cheeks.  The cab arrives in no time and she gets on, accepting the tissue I offer her when I get the door for her. As I walk back to Kody , Mr. Heartbreaker walks out, and once again I am blindsided by the cameras. I grab the keys from my pocket and make a move to go get his car, which makes it back in one piece again.

"Back in one piece and without a scratch, you're welcome." I hand the keys to this so called Trevor Vander.

"Hey I know you from somewhere."

"No you don't."

"You're right, how could I know someone that works as a valet." That's it .

"You're right and how could I know such an asshole." I say straight to his face.

"Feisty." He smirks, and I begin to understand why he causes so much heartbreak.

"Have a goodnight,  SIR." I stress the last word.

"I'm sure I will." I hear his car door close and I see the cameras start to swarm his car. I make no effort to stop them, but instead walk back and I don't turn around.

Such a beast can overcome a little pap scandal.

Valet and The BeastWhere stories live. Discover now