Cheers to Another friend dying!

Start from the beginning

With motivation in his heart to save the girl that is much like his daughter he starts to push Elijah off but to no avail Elijah snaps Marcel's neck and he falls dead. Freya continues with the spell as Davina cries with bloody tears.

On the back road Angel hears screams going through head and she recognizes them to be Davina's. Back in the Mikaelsons compound the ancestors surrounded Davina as their power goes through her and into Freya.

Back on the back road Angel grabs her heart and screams in pain. She loses control of the wheel and hits a tree. She gets out and look around and sees that she's in the cemetery that's in the ancestral realm. She feels her power being drained from her. She then blinks and sees she back in her own world and her hand starts to desiccate slowly as she groans in pain.

Back at the compound Freya delivers no mercy as Elijah looks on feeling guilty.

"No, please, let go! Marcel! No! Let go! Let go! Please let go!" She continues to scream as Freya continues to steal the ancestors power.

Angel seems afraid as bloody tears fall down her face she then stands and stumbles into the middle of the road.

Back at the compound Freya yells the last part of the spell causing Davina to scream in fear as as she is forced back into the Ancestral Realm.

Angel herself screams in sync with Davina as she feels her pain, fear, and betrayal. Angel is forced back and she hits her head against her car door causing her to groan.

In the ancestors realm Davina looks on in fear at the ancestors when she comes face to face with Kara who Angel and Hayley assassinated for her. Davina lets out one last bone chilling scream as she looks on in fear.

Angel groans and then screams in anger and confusion as a sonic wave of magic comes from her and knocks down several trees in the distance.

Little did I know that this wouldn't be the first time I'll feel someone's death who's close to me.

Back In the compound, Freya turns to her brother who is obviously not pleased with what they've just done. "It had to be done." She tells him before she turns to leave and Elijah immediately follows.


After a long fight between both Hayley and Klaus against Lucien. Outside the barn Klaus finally stands up and turns around to see Lucien and Hayley. Lucien is stood behind her with his hand inside her chest, clutching her heart. "Oh well, a queen and a king caught by a one-time pawn. Thus the game comes to it's inevitable end." Lucien taunts.

"What are you proving by killing her? It's me you hate." Klaus tells Lucien.

"Was I not clear when I murdered Finn and Camille? I don't care who dies! But since you do, indulge me and I might just spare the mother of your child. Kneel! Get on your knees! I can feel her heart pounding in my fist. Do you really want to measure your pride against my mercy?" He demands after Klaus still stands.

Klaus listens this time to Lucien and kneels, bowing his head. Lucien chuckles on pride but before he can do anything Angel appears behind him and breaks his hand which causes him to let go of Hayley's heart. She then throws him far away from them.

Klaus stands up and moves Lucien tries to make an advance towards them but Freya comes from out of no where and starts the spell to reverse his upgrade and Lucien shouts in pain as he loses he loses his power.

Angel looks at Freya with a frown not knowing how she did that but Freya avoids her eyes.

"His power's gone. He's nothing but an ordinary vampire now." Freya tells her brothers who are in front and behind him. Angel glares at Freya now knowing what she done as she hears Davina's screams once again. She looks at Freya who hesitates in making eye contact with her and the look in her eyes says: Guilty. All Angel does is turn her head controlling her Anger waiting for Lucien to die as she walks closer the the Original brothers.

"You see that family drama you so joyfully derived does have its merits." Klaus starts off. Elijah then gracefully kicks Lucien's legs chains get him to groan as she falls to his knees. "You can kill me but the prophecy still stands, you cannot outrun it." Lucien tells Klaus.

"I've heard about 1000 years too much from you. For a century you lived with my name and you never did quite recover from losing it, did you? You became a man of wealth and stature but you never could crawl from my shadow, and in the end...." Klaus trails off as he crouches down to pick up a broken piece of glass. "despite the gift of immortality, you have always known what you truly are." Klaus tells him after walking towards him and crouching down in front of him.

Lucien looks at Angel in the corner of his eyes and begs her to stop him. "Please!" He begs. Elijah pulls his head back as Klaus uses a piece of broken glass to cut Lucien's mouth like Tristan did 1000 years ago.

He then stares into Lucien's eyes. "You are nothing."Klaus says and then rips out his heart before dropping it on the ground. "I need to go!" Angel says rather angrily and vamp speeds off. Klaus looks on as does the rest of them.


At Angel's apartment she stands on the balcony looking down angry finding out what Freya and Elijah did to Davina. She then hears someone walk into her home and she knows exactly who it is. He stands in silence.

"You know... I always trusted you.. with everything especially my own life. You were the noble brother, the original that never goes back on his word, the trustworthy one. Now I can't even look at you without wanting to bite you!" She tells him angrily. "Angel, I un-" Angel interrupts him by vamp speeding him to a wall shifted.

"I asked you one thing Elijah! Protect her I didn't want her to go through what I did as a teenager! She died by the hands of a Mikaelson at least that's another thing Davina and I have in common the Mikaelson's always make decisions for us before we even know it!" She growls out. "Angel... put me down." He asks slowly worried about himself.

"Angel?" They both turn to see Klaus he's stuck at the door. "Let him go!" Klaus demands. Angel breaks down into tears before looking at Elijah. "This isn't the man I fell in love with! I don't want to see you, hear your voice, I don't want you speaking my name...... Elijah Mikaelson.. I-I... I hate you! Now go before I do something I regret!" She demands as she drops him.

He has tears in his eyes as he stares at her. Klaus motions for him to come and Elijah vamp speeds away. Klaus stays. "I'm sorry for your loss! I know how much you cared for her." Is what Klaus says before he takes off as well.

After draining 17 blood bags with uh only 10 minutes Vincent comes by. "Are you sure about this?" Vincent asks. "Yeah! I haven't been feeding because I'm afraid on a human I'll rip through half of New Orleans and that's not good for anyone! So how you gonna do this?" Angel asks.

"I'll put you in a comatose state and use this very large syringe and pierce it through your heart and say the spell and take the serum out your blood stream. After I'm done you'll wake up a few minutes later, I'll be gone already to dispose of it!" He tells her. She nods and lays down on her bed.

"Also I got you four large coffee cups full of your favorite blood type it should fill you up since your going back to your normal diet." He tells her and she gives a small smile. "Thanks!" She says. "Don't mention it..... uh you ready?" He asks.

She nods. "Yeah I'm ready." She says as she closes her eyes. Vincent says a spell that puts her in a comatose state and that's when he begins to extract the serum from her heart.


Hope you enjoyed!

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