Part 10- Talk It Out

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Cody paced back and forth in the waiting room. He looked at his watch. It read 4:27. His appointment was scheduled for 4:30. He had gotten there at 4:15. He was alone. Bailey, Maya, Woody, Marcus, and Zack had all volunteered to go with him for support, but he told them he could do this alone.

Now, he was regretting declining their offers.

He continued to pace until the door opened. Cody froze, and a young man walked in. He was probably in his early 30's. He had brown hair and he wore a button up shirt and dark pants. He looked at Cody and smiled.

"Cody Martin?" He asked. Cody nodded. "Hi. I'm Dr. Evans." He said, extending his hand. Cody walked over and shook it, returning a small, anxious smile of his own. "My office is this way." Dr. Evans said. Cody followed the man out of the waiting room and down the hall. They made two left turns and arrived at a small room with two cushioned chairs and a couch, along with a desk and a bunch of toys and props. "Please, have a seat. Make yourself comfortable." Dr. Evans told Cody as he shut the door behind them. Cody looked at the closed door, and then slowly sat down on the couch. "Would you prefer I leave it open?" Dr. Evans asked, catching Cody's nervous expression.

"No, no it's fine! Sorry." Cody said.

"You don't have to apologize. We can leave it open if you want. I normally close it because people walk by and they tend to be noisy." Dr. Evans said, smiling reassuringly. Cody swallowed.

"Closed is fine." He said. Dr. Evans nodded.

"Alrighty. If at any point you want to open it you can feel free to ask, okay?" He said. Cody nodded.

"Okay, Cody. Tell me about yourself. How did you wind up going to Seven Seas High?" Dr. Evans asked.

Cody hesitated.

"It's okay, Cody. Everything you say in here remains between you and I. Unless you are planning on hurting yourself or someone else, nothing leaves this room." Dr. Evans said. Cody nodded.

He began explaining that he, Zack, and their mother had lived in the Tipton hotel for years now. He explained why, how they knew Mr. Moseby, and that they were friends with London Tipton. Cody told him how their mother had heard about the school and thought it was a great opportunity for the boys. And Mr. Moseby would be there to watch them, of course.

"That does sound like a great opportunity. Do you talk to your mom often?" Dr. Evans asked. Cody shook his head.

"Well, I try to. But, reception isn't too great on the ocean." He said.

Dr. Evans chuckled. "Yeah. Unfortunately. How are you finding the school?" He asked.

"Um, it's great. Normally I love school." Cody said.

"Do you?" Dr. Evans crosses his leg in his chair.

Cody nodded. "Yeah. I'm a straight-A student...Normally." He said.

"Normally. You keep saying that." Evans remarked. Cody glanced down.

"Recently it's kind of changed." Cody said quietly.

"I assume that's why you're here?" Dr. Evans asked. Cody only nodded. "What all changed?" He asked. Cody looked down. He twisted his hands.

"Um. I...Don't really know, to be honest." Cody said.

"That's okay." Dr. Evans said.

"Is it?" Cody asked, looking at him.

"Of course it is! High school is a crazy weird time. Nobody has anything figured out yet." Dr. Evans said, chuckling.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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