Part 7: Full Chemo

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"Is Helen not like a parental figure to her in some kind of way? She loves Luna no doubt. She's been in her life for almost a year now."

"She is.."

"But you still want Helen to treat her. Correct? Why?"

"Because Helen is the best doctor for Luna. She knows how to not only how to make her patients comfortable, but also how to heal them properly and safely."

"Okay- do you think Helen would do a terrible job because it would be Luna and she cares for the child?"

"No, but..."

"So what would be the difference if she heals this child and loves them at the same time?" Max sits back in his chair and stares at a spot on his desk. He doesn't know why Iggy has to make sense all the time. "Max, I heard that you and Helen started to...explore your relationship after the Gala.  Is this really about the child or about you and Helen?"

"No, why would it be about me?"

"Because you love Helen- you both have started this relationship together and maybe you feel adding a child into the mix will take away from you two becoming closer and more involved."

"You're saying I'm jealous of a child?"

"Maybe jealous isn't the exact word I'm going for...maybe it's more like- emotionally abandoned. Max, what's you biggest fear at the moment?"

"Losing Helen..."

"In a physical sense- like she goes to London, passes away, leaves you for someone else? Or in an emotional sense where she isn't in tune with how you're feeling and isn't communicating emotions with you, becoming distant if you will." Closing his eyes momentarily, Max feels like a fool and may be he is, but it doesn't change how he feels.


"Alright. Well, your assignment is to let Helen know this fear you have and try to work through them together. The best way to make sure everyone is on the same page and stays connected is to talk about our emotions and ideals and fears. If you need counsel, let me know, but I would like you two to work this out on your own." Iggy has forgotten all about why he came in to see Max in the first place. He cares so much for his friends that he can't just let them suffer in their emotional waste.

"She wants to adopt the child..."

"Are you opposed to this because it would mean time taken away from you and Luna or because you aren't ready to love another child?"

"Neither, I just don't think Helen should be adopting a child based on a current emotional state and whim. Children- both your own and those who could become your own- have a lot of needs and aren't always what you expect when you've never had any before."

"Helen was doing IVF right? What if she had picked and was currently pregnant with her first child- one that wouldn't be yours by blood or DNA, one that could have any number of health problems and one that would never fully be recognized as your kid. Would you support Helen still? Would you support her child- a child she's been wanting for years?"


"Then why is the thought of adopting this child so different and difficult for you? It's just like IVF- you get what you get. Regardless of the age you're starting at it would still be Helen's first child. Why couldn't you love and support them the way you would an IVF baby or if Helen was pregnant by another man who just up and left her. How is it any different?"

"It's not...I guess, huh, I guess I didn't think of it that way."

"Feel like an ass- don't you?"

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