1 - How Convenient!

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The two of them walk out of the office and the boy is nowhere to be found.

Blue rolls her eyes as she follows her new professor to the class and smiles when she sees the handful of students waiting.

The best thing she can have is a small number of classmates, less people to know and more space to be comfortable.

Blue helps herself to a chair next to a window and leans against the wall, watching the professor settle down.

"Good morning, I am Doctor Bell and I am going to be taking this course," she introduces with a warm smile.

Some students respond and the others hurry to get out laptops, writing pads and whatnot.

Blue is ready to listen before anything but her attention is diverted when the curious staring dude enters with the middle aged woman in tow.

The dude says nothing as he makes his way to a chair not so far from Blue and she nervously adjusts on hers. He might be some random racist she will have to deal with or some chauvinist who had a problem with her applying makeup in the hallway.

Who knows?

The middle aged woman stops to talk to Doctor Bell before taking her own seat in front of the class, directly facing him with a bit of distance.

"Okay, like I said before Harry walked in, I am Doctor Bell,"

As the professor speaks, the middle aged woman interprets in British Sign Language and the boy now known as Harry calmly focuses on her.

Blue feels even more awkward but cannot stop herself from staring.

The class slowly picks up with Doctor Bell giving a breakdown on what's to happen for the next four weeks, the classes are for three times a week and there will be a final project. Blue takes note of the breakdown and Doctor Bell pauses with a smile.

"So now, I'll need each one of you to introduce yourself to the class," she announces.

A few groans and sounds of protest are heard but the woman is not going to give up.

"Come on, we're a little writing family here," Doctor Bell says.

"Fine, I'll go," a Scottish woman speaks up. "My name's Paula."

The interpreter signs and Harry slowly turns to look at Paula. There is no reaction from him and he returns his attention to his interpreter.

Blue focuses on him and tries super hard not to be a freak at this point.

"I'm Blue," she calmly says.

The interpreter signs and he looks at her but quickly averts his gaze once he realises who this Blue of a person is - the girl from earlier on. He exhales and gets out his phone.

The interpreter gently waves to get his attention, he sees her and intentionally ignores her.

Other students introduce themselves and Harry is left. He feels the sudden lack of movement around him but has no idea what's happening.

The interpreter and professor are staring at him with a smile, and he slowly frowns.

"Do you want to tell the class your name?" Doctor Bell says and his interpreter repeats.

Harry grows uncomfortable because he doesn't want to know anybody's name and he doesn't think there's a point sharing his name.

He realises delaying will put more attention on him and he doesn't need that right now.

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