Chapter 5 ♛ White Walls

Start from the beginning

A smirk appeared on his face, "Nice turtle neck." He chuckled as he stood up.

"I feel like I'm being choked." I whined as I tugged on it.

"But you like being choked." He playfully teased.

"Not like this." I spat, rolling my eyes at him.

"Gosh, you're really feisty today." He pointed out my odd behavior, "Why is that, love?" He asked as his face soften.

"I don't know." I mumbled, "I just haven't been myself lately."

"Are you sick?" He asked, resting the back of his hand on my forehead.

I shook my head lightly, "No, I don't think I am." I answered, "It's just a different kind of sick."

His eyes widen from a certain kind of fear, "Have you been throwing up, especially in the morning? Are you craving any weird food combinations?" He rambled on and on, but I soon stopped him.

"Jeez." I giggled lightly, "I'm guessing you have been in this position before?" I asked, eyeing him.

He sighed, "I just don't want us to be...."

"Pregnant." I mumbled.

"It's not that I don't want to have kids with you, it's just..." I pressed my index finger against his lips, indicating him to stop explaining himself.

"Colby." I breathed, "You're fine." I reassured him, "Cause I feel the same way too."

He let out a shaky breath, "We need to start being more careful." He whispered, nodding my head in agreement.

"Yeah, so you gotta start wearing condoms now." I said as I patted his chest, "And maybe let's not fuck every five seconds." I added, causing him to chuckle.

"Sorry, I just can't help it." He apologized as he scratched the back of his neck.

"I know, I wouldn't keep my hands off of me either." I teased causing him to playfully roll his eyes at me.

"It's more like you can't keep your hands off of me." He chuckled.

"I have more self control unlike you, buddy." I giggled.

"Buddy?" He questioned, raising his left eyebrow at me.

"Oh, it's just a word, Colby. Don't take it too personal." I laughed, causing him to roll his eyes again.

"Whatever." He mumbled, "We should get going though." He said, quickly changing the topic.

I drove us back to the Traphouse which will be the last time I ever do. I have a lot of mixed emotions about not being able to come back here anymore. This place brought me a new sense of joy and hope, gave me new friends and reunited me with an old one. It also gave me a boyfriend who I dearly love and the new opportunity to start my life over again. But it did put me through a lot of bad things as well, but that's how life goes.

The guys all got separate apartments from each other, including Colby. He decided he wanted to live on his own for a while which saddened me, because I truly wanted him to move in with me. And the fact that Kian has already moved out, I just feel so alone now at home. Even though they do come and visit me every once in a while, it still doesn't feel the same. Jake, Sam and Colby moved into the same apartment building which is great for me to be able to visit them all at once, but I still wish we could all be underneath the same roof again.

But I haven't felt the same lately with everything that's been going on and I'm thinking about moving again. I live by myself in a ridiculously giant mansion for no reason at all. It gets lonely in here and I don't like that feeling. Plus, with everything that has happened in this house with the blackmailer and all, I just want a house that isn't tainted with bad energy or memories. But I won't tell the guys about this idea until I truly figure out what's best for me.

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