Chapter 1 : The Arrival

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"MAMMMMMOOOONNN!!!"It was still so early yet a scream was heard across the house of lamentation.

"What's with the noise this early in the morningggg..."Leviathan or also known as the otaku third born and avatar of envy,said while yawning.

"I have absolutely no idea."Said Satan the fourth born and avatar of wrath."WhO wOkE ME uP In ThE MiDdle oF my BEAUTY SLEEP?!"said Asmodeus the fifth born and also known as the avatar of lust.

"It's seven in the morning Asmo..."Satan replied to the completely raged demon."Morning huh?What's for breakfast?"Said Beelzebub the always famished sixth born and avatar of gluttony.As the brothers were greeting there good morning's a scream was heard from across the hallway.Where a certain someone was being chased.

"MAMMON!!!Explain all of these bills!?"Said the furious first born Lucifer the avatar of pride.

"I-I don't know what your t-talking about L-lucifer."
Said the stuttering second born Mammon the avatar of  greed.

"I thought Mammon wasn't allowed to go out of the house at night?"Said Beelzebub with a puzzled expression on his face."Well I'm guessing he snucked out after the inspection.Let's just get ready for the arrival of the exchange students."Said Satan sighing.


Diavolo and Barbatos where getting prepared for the arrival of the exchange students.But there was something in Barbatos mind that keeps him from focusing on what he was doing.Which Diavolo noticed.

"Barbatos what's wrong?What are you thinking about"Diavolo knew that Barbatos was thinking about something that is simply questionable."My lord may I ask about the student exchange program?"

"Of course,what is it Barbatos?"Diavolo answered without any hesitation."Why are there still demons participating in the program?"After that Diavolo couldn't help but smile.

"Because the faith of the whole program depends on them."

Meanwhile back at the House of Lamentation

Deep silence,nothing was heard absolutely nothing simply nothing could be heard.Since what happened this morning nobody spoke absolutely nobody.

Until the time came where they had to go meet the exchange students it was still quiet not a word was spoken until....

"Where's Mammon?"Levi asked his brothers."Dang it..."The brothers said while sighing.

"Where could he be this time?"Lucifer said absolutely annoyed."Well we can't do anything now might as wel-"Beelzebub was cut off because he bumped a girl.To his surprise the girl wasn't wearing a uniform it looked like a formal outfit because of the vest and bow tie.

"I'm so sorry are you okay?"The girl took his hand but to his surprise the girl wasn't wearing a uniform it looked like a formal outfit because of the vest and bow."Um...Excuse me but are you part of the exchange student program?"The girl gave him a questioning look."Of course not and what exchange student program?"The girl replied with a smile that can make anyone fall in love with.

"And if you are having some exchange students greet them with hospitality."After what the girl said suddenly they heard a scream accross the hall.
"OI!Stop with the chit-chat and hurry up!The Miss is calling us!"A man with ebony haired man said.After that the girl suddenly turned around.

"My brother is calling me I must go now and I'm so sorry about what happened earlier."The girl was walking away suddenly she stopped in her tracks to turn around once again.

"And Sir you should smile it suits you much better."And once again the girl turned around without looking back.And left the six brothers with a smile on there faces."What a nice young woman I wish Mammon was like that."Lucifer said sighing."Yeah...We should go now."The brothers looked at each other and continued walking

Time skip

The brothers reached the meeting place where the exchange students will arrive.The brothers saw Diavolo and Barbatos with an elegant woman."Good timing..."Diavolo said with a wide smile on his face."The students are about to arrive.OH!And by the way this is Miss Jane she is one of the people who's helping me with the program.

The brothers looked at Miss Jane and said...

"Nice to meet you Miss Jane."Miss Jane couldn't help but smirk."Oh my just call me Athena."

"By the way Athena were are the demon exchange students."Diavolo asked then suddenly Miss Jang giggled."You'll see..."After what Miss Jang said the doors opened making the brothers shocked by the scene.

"I want you to meet my aide's."The brothers where still shocked of what there seeing.

"Hello...Once again."The girl from before where with three people."So Miss why did you drag us here huh?"The blonde man asked after what he said Miss Jane couldn't help but smirk.

"Diavolo meet you're demon exchange students."


-To be continued

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