Close, But Not Quite Correct (Platonic!!)

Start from the beginning

Her eyes widened and her face turned red. Thomas didn't know why, but he kept it in mind. It was possibly that it could be a sign or a valuable piece of information. He brushed it off, for her sake and for his curiosity's sake.

"W-what? M-M-Michael? Noooo."

"Alright then. If you don't mind, I'll be setting these here," he walked over to the sofa and set them on it just as he said he was. "Don't look at them...okay?" It was the master plan in his mind. Since when did she agree to not look or touch something he specifically told her not to. She nodded and he walked out the door, satisfied with his work.


Dinner was served, the guests were now arriving. Polly and Ada sat down at the table first, Pol already sipping away at her beverage. Next was John, Finn and Arthur, both John and Arthur joining Polly on the alcohol train. Michael walked in, his hair messed up and his collar positioned to cover his neck, just like it had been the past few days.

Finally, Y/n walked over to the table and sat next to Michael and Tommy. They began to eat. Everyone, except for Tommy, thought Y/n or Tommy was about to introduce their relationship. Pol was determined to win her bet against Arthur. So when no one spoke up, she decided she'd had enough.

"Alright you two. Time to fess up. Tommy put this all together to tell us that you guys are seeing each other, didn't he?"

Y/n, Tommy, and Michael choked on their food and drinks. Tommy hit his chest a few times and shook his head quickly. Y/n knew she had to speak up and soon because once Tommy announced the reason, which she caught onto rather quickly, non one would allow her to get away without answering.

"Close," She wiped her mouth with a cloth, "but not quite."

The entire table, minus a gaze averting Michael, turned to her. Tommy raised an eyebrow and started naming names jokingly, each person that was named and present shaking their head. "So when is he getting here? Or is he already here? John? Arthur? F- no that's just that boy you met at the Garrison? The other boy? Who is it then?"

"I'm seeing Michael."

"Michael? What Michael? Our Michael? That's very funny Y/n." John chuckled, but stopped after Thomas gave him a serious look.

"Are you being serious, Y/n? I'd like it if you answered what John inquired because I am quite curious. So, Y/n, who-"

"Tom." A new voice entered. Everyone's heads turned to the direction it came from. Michael fucking Gray. "She's seeing me. I'm seeing her."

Newfound silence filled the room. Tension, undecided whether it was good or bad, snuck in with it's silent friend. Y/n's eyes darted from her best friend to her now public lover. She was sure of it now. Thomas was staring daggers right into Michael's soul. If looks could kill, Michael would be more than just dead.

"Thomas. Don't."

"Stay out of it Ada." He stood up and walked to the other side of Y/n, staring Michael down more intense than he was only a second ago. "You mean to tell me, Gray, that you're romantically involved with my best friend, with the person who means the world to me, with the person I would give my life for? I need you to answer me honestly. Are you prepared for this question?"

Michael didn't answer. Instead, he gulped and widened his eyes. If he didn't already fear Tommy, he sure did now.

"I asked you a question, god dammit! You answer me or I'll make you answer me!" Everyone, really everyone, either gasped or flinched. It was known. Tom didn't yell like that unless he was very very very serious. Pol would've normally stepped in to defend her son, but she too was curious and somewhat hesitant now that Thomas was red as a tomato.


"Do you love her?"


"Do you love her!!?"

Y/n's hand thrusted itself into Michael's. Now even she was scared for him.

"Yes! Yes I do! I love her with all my heart!"

"Would you die for her? Or rather, protect her with your life?"

"Yes! Yes to both of those!"

"Would you ever lie to her or have an affair?"

"No!" He was squeezing Y/n's hand. His hand was sweaty, and also red from how tightly he was gripping hers.

She took it as the last straw. Seeing both of her boys fight pained her to an extreme measure. Knowing that it was because of her, even a little bit, pained her just the same. "Enough! Thomas! Michael! I am in love with Michael, he has made it clear that he is in love with me! He is kind, listening, caring, loving, protective, and overall and amazing man. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. And I love you Tom, you're my best friend and you always have been, so please. Don't let him and I being involved change our or your relationship."

She finished her sentence, plopping back down and sighing loudly before digging into her food. The rest of the family, not including Michael or Thomas, slowly eased back into eating their food. They still felt the tension, so it was a very quiet dinner.

A smile formed onto Y/n's face when she felt Michael's hand rub her back. She leaned into his arm and thanked him. After she finished scolding the boys, she sat back down with teary eyes and Michael was the first to notice.

Thomas froze. The sight in front of him, Michael comforting Y/n as she sobbed silently into his all clicked into place. Her nervousness, Michael's collars, the giggling and freak out when Thomas was trying to deliver the invitations. She was head over heals for Michael.

He sat back in his seat beside Y/n. His arm rested above Michael's, rubbing her back as well. Y/n turned and faced Tommy with red puffy eyes that made his heart ache. He really hurt her that badly? She spoke up, and what she said shocked Tommy greatly. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry Y/n/n, I should be the one who's sorry."

"Y-you're not mad?"

"Close, but not quite." He repeated her answer from Polly's previous question.

Y/n opened her mouth to speak but closed it and squinted. Visibly in thought, he murmured to herself. "What do you mean?"

"I'm not mad, I'm more...protective. Ya know? If he hurts you...don't think that just because he's my cousin I won't shoot him dead."

"Like hell you will!" The table burst into laughter due to Polly's comment. Michael and Thomas this time as well. Y/n smiled genuinely. She was proud of her work. While Tommy was chuckling and distracted, she turned her head to him and tackled him in a hug.

"Thank you Tom-Tom."

"Of course Y/n/n. I just want you to be happy, safe and loved."

She let her smile drop and an eyebrow raise. "You're still gonna beat him up a bit, aren't you?" The question was more of an observation. A very accurate observation.

"You are one-hundred percent correct. Now finish your food and enjoy some family time."

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