chapter two

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[on Olympus] 

Thomas is standing on the side looking out while every one is talking to each other. Hera walks up to Roman's crib. 

Hera: Roman...
Roman grabs her crown off her head. Hera grabs it back then puts it back on.
Hera: behave yourself.
Hera puts him in his crib as Thomas walks up.

Thomas: oh look at this, look how cute he is. 

while Thomas is playing with Roman. Roman grabs his finger and lifts him up. 

Thomas: oh he's strong just like his dad.  

While Thomas is distracted talking to one of the other gods. Roman grabs one of his lightning bolts and starts playing with it. 

Hera: dear keeps those away from the baby.

Thomas: oh, he won't hurt himself. Let the kid have some fun. 

Roman puts the lightning bolt in his mouth, gets shocked from it then cries and throws it almost hitting some of the other gods.

Thomas: pats Roman's head as he chuckles ¨on behalf of my son. I want to thank you all for the wonderful gifts.¨ As he points to the gifts.

Hera: what about our gift dear?

Thomas: ¨lets see here. Hmm...?¨ he thinks than he gets an idea ¨Yes, a little Cirrus and mmm a touch of nibo stratus and a dash of cumulus.¨

Thomas shows Roman. Roman goes to touch it. when he's hand touches the cloud mix some goes away and a horse's face is now there. Roman is completely shocked by this.  The horse starts to shake the rest of the clouds off of him. 

Thomas: ¨He's name is Patton,¨ he lets Patton go and Patton starts to somewhat flies¨and he is all yours son.¨ After hearing this Roman gets all happy then head bumps Patton. Patton shakes he's head then gets really happy and licks Roman. Roman almost cries but Patton comforts him and Roman hugs Patton. All the gods/goddess start to aww at the sight. 

Hera: hands Roman to Thomas ¨mind he's head.¨ 

 Thomas: he looks at Hera and Patton (Patton is flying in the air) then back at Roman ¨he's so tiny.¨ 

Roman starts to chew on necklace until he starts to feel really tired. Roman yawns already half asleep then Thomas bring Roman up to his cheek. 

Thomas: ¨my boy,¨ puts Roman back in his crib ¨my little Roman.¨ Thomas then kisses Roman on the cheek. 

Deceit: (from the other side of the room, hiding in the shadows) ¨this is so /not/ sentimental? you know I haven't been this chocked up since I got a hunk of (comes into the light) moussaka caught in my throat. Huh?¨

All the gods start to glare at Deceit. 

Deceit: moves closer to Thomas ¨is this an audience or a mosaic?¨ tries to talk to the other gods

Thomas: grabs Deceit by the shoulder than pulls him closer ¨so Deceit, you finally made it? How things in the underworld?¨

Deceit: moves away from Thomas, brushing himself off "well, they're just fine. Y'know, a little uh... gloomy and as /never/, hey- full of dead people. What're you gonna do?" He goes over to Roman "ah there's the little sunspot, and here," he makes a spiky skeleton head sucker out of thin air "is a sucker for the little sucker. Here you go." He give it to Roman but Roman grabs his finger instead. After a little struggle he gets his finger away from him "sheesh! Uh... powerful... little tyke."

Thomas: throws his arm around Deceit again "come on, Deceit, don't be such a stiff! Join the celebration!"

Deceit: ducks under Thomas "hey... love to, babe, but unlike you gods lounging about here, I regrettably have a full-time gig, that you, by the way, so charitably bestowed on me... Thomas. So... can't. Love to, but can't.

Thomas: "you oughta slow down. You'll work yourself to death. Hah! Work your to death!" Thomas and the other gods starts laughing. Thomas sits in a chair that just materialized and keeps laughing "oh, I kill myself!"
Deceit: chuckles softly, turns away and starts leaving "if only... if only."

(Next part coming out soon. See you later guys, gals and non-binary pals. Peace out.)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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