The small family of three walked down the street. Izuku holding his mother's hand. While his father had one of his hands in his pocket. The other also holding Inko's other more free hand. Inko having a huge smile on her face. Making it to the doctors office the walked insode. Inko signs them in before they all sat down in the waiting room. Izuku trying to be patient and not run around the office. Since he is still a child after all it was quite difficult.

You see Izuku already knew about his fathers anger issues. So he tried not to anger his father. Others may think his father is all nice and everything. Simply because his father put up this fake persona. Yet Izuku saw his father yelling and slapping his mother. Making him slightly terrified of his father. So when they are out or even in their home. Izuku tried to always be on his best behavior. Not wanting to cause any trouble. Even if it made everyone outside of the house confused. He still did it. Which helped his mother not get hurt as much.

Izuku sits in his chair reading a book from home. Quietly waiting for the doctor to call for him. His parents on the left side of him. The two of them whispering about stuff. He could slightly hear his father make silent some curse words inder his breath. Making Izuku flinch once in a while. Going unnoticed by his parents or anyone else around. That was when the doctor came in the room.

"Midoriya, Izuku?"

"Ah yes right here Mr. Doctor." I say before getting off the chair. Putting my book back in my bag. Then running up to the man my backpack being on my back. The man chuckles when he saw me. My parents walking towards us slowly. My fathers hand on my mothers back. He gives the doctor a smile.

"Well its nice to meet you. I am doctor Yoriki." Yoriki says before holding out his hand to shake. I shook his hand as well as my parents. The man smiles signalling for us to follow him. I did as told not want to get yelled at. Seeing the office door after a little walk away. Jumping onto the exam table with a little difficulty. Yet I make sure they didn't have to help me. I quickly fix myself. Hearing the doctor chuckle a bit. My parents looked at him confused as they didn't see what happened. Making me sigh in relief because I didn't want to cause trouble. The doctor smiles once more. Before he shakes his head.

"Okay we will be doing some tests. I would be doing them usually. Yet I want my intern to learn some more. Making him do something more hands on. So I will be allowing him to do it this time. I hope you guys don't mind." He tells us. My parents nodded their heads. I just shrugged not knowing what he meant. Another guy walked in right after he finished explaining everything. The intern quickly does some tests. Before walking out of the room.

A little bit later he comes in. I lean over curious. Until he told me something I never wanted to hear. Something I wish he never said.

"I'm sorry. It seems you don't have a quirk." He frowns when he said that. He explains somethings to my parents. My father and mother walking out right afterwards. So did the Intern not realising I didn't leave. While I sat there in tears. Not realising my parents left me at the doctors office. Yoriki on the other doctor quickly rushes back in room. Looking around he sees me sitting there. He sighs in relief.

"I am so sorry. My intern messed up on the machines. Do you mind if we do it again? Um where did your parents go?" He says once he realised my parents weren't here anymore. I looked around and frowned.

'They left me here..'

"Their gone. I don't mind doing it again.." I tell him and looked down. He nodded and redid the tests. Leaving once he finished them the second time. Waiting for him to come back I started thinking.

'Papa said he would hurt me if I didn't have a quirk. He said he would get rid of me. He would leave momma. They left without hearing the real results. They hate me don't they? Should I even go back home?'

Yoriki comes back into the room. He had a big smile on his face. Putting up the an image once more. He turns back to the small child before him. Izuku looks up with hope in his eyes. The doctor not seeing all the other feelings he hid inside. Yoriki clears his throat.

"Okay we redid the tests. The image before us being the correct one. Izuku you indeed have a quirk. I mean to be exact you have quirks. You are going to be an amazing hero. To be honest I feel you might become the number one hero. You are going to go far in life kid. I can see it now. Here have my card. I would gladly be your personal doctor." Yoriki tells Izuku.

Giving the boy a card. Izuku nods and smiles happily. Slightly tearing up from the new news he got. Regaining his emotions. He looks back up so he can hear the next part. The doctor smiles before continuing.

"Your quirks are.."

A/N. Hell yes! New story everyone! I hope you guys like it! What did you guys think so far? Also who is your favorite character in Bnha? I am a curious person after all.. Anyways this is the first chapter so.. If anything is misspelled or said wrong please tell me. I will fix it right away. Thank you so much for reading my story. I am so happy! I hope you guys have an amazing awesome day! Oh also make your guess what will little Izuku's quirks be? Comment! Bye!

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