Sick Ethan

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Ethan wakes up to their alarm vibrating under their pillow. They groan and turn off their alarm, turning the other way to sleep some more. A few moments later their lights flash on and off a few times. Ethan covers their eyes before slowly looking up once the lights stop flashing and sees Peter signing 'time to get ready for school.'

Ethan groans again and signs 'I'm up. Get out.'

Peter laughs 'I'm leaving. I'm leaving.'

As soon as Peter leaves Ethan slowly gets up and starts getting ready for school. They finish getting ready by grabbing their leather jacket, leaving their hearing aids on the table next to their bed.

Ethan walks downstairs to see their mom and Peter eating breakfast. Their dad had already left for work. 'Morning,' Ethan signs tiredly.

"'Morning sweetie,'" Beck responds, signing as she speaks. "'You ready for school? Got your hearing aids?'"

Ethan shakes their head as they sit down at the table 'why do I even need to wear them? They don't help. And they hurt.'

"'If you don't want to wear them you don't have to,'" Peter tells Ethan, starting to speak while signing.

Beck nods in agreement before asking "'breakfast? I made eggs.'"

Ethan shakes their head again, slurring "'not hungry.'" Beck nods again and goes back to eating her breakfast as Peter puts his plate in the sink.

"'Want a ride?'" Peter asks. Ethan looks like they're about to refuse before Peter adds "'we can get Lex and Hannah.'"

Ethan nods, mumbling and signing an okay.

Peter smiles and leads the way to his car, shouting "bye mom!"

Ethan waves to Beck and follows Peter, getting in the car after their brother.

Peter scratches at a spot on his back before starting the car as Ethan pulls out their phone and texts Lex we're on our way.

We? Lex asks.

Peter's giving me a ride Ethan responds. They put their phone away after getting a thumbs up from Lex.

"'Which house is she at?'" Peter asks.

'Dads,' Ethan responds, unknowingly saying the s out loud as though they were hissing. Ethan lays their head on the window, looking outside as Peter starts driving.

Peter taps Ethan's arm at a red light to get their attention. Ethan looks up as Peter signs "'you okay?'"

Ethan nods and signs 'just tired. Didn't sleep well.' Peter nods before driving again once the light turns green. Ethan goes back to looking out the window until they get to Lex's house. Ethan pulls out their phone and texts Lex we're here.

Lex comes out a few moments later, her sister Hannah following. The girls get in the car before Lex leans over the seat to give Ethan a kiss on their cheek, frowning slightly when she notices something. Ethan smiles at her, humming happily, and waves to Hannah. Hannah waves back as Lex says and signs "'hey.'"

"'Hey,'" Peter responds, also signing. He pulls out of the driveway once he sees the girls are in their seats.

Once Peter starts driving to Hannah's school, Ethan lays their head on the window again. Lex looks at her partner worriedly and asks Peter "is Ethan okay?"

"They said they didn't sleep well last night but I think there might be something more," Peter responds, looking at Lex through the mirror quickly.

Lex looks at Peter saying "they felt a little warm when I kissed their cheek."

Peter frowns, "how warm?"

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