im bored

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Coughing again tom accidentally rams his head onto the toilet.
"Awwww fuccckkkkk" he groaned as pain seared through his head.
"Tom are you okay!?!" "No i fuckin slammed my head on the toilet!" Tord looked confused and tried to sit back up. "Uh tom?" Edd said in a concerned and nervous tone "I know it's bad" tom groaned slightly annoyed "can you try to stop?" "Yeah sure". The toilet flushed and tom sighed "What happened?!" Tord said concerned af. "I threw up a bit and accidentally slammed my fuccin head on the toilet!" Tom said annoyed but then he had an idea, he would get closer to tord, he would be nice and compliment him all the time! tom smiled and said "but now im fine!" He hugged tord and went to his room stumbling.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2022 ⏰

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