"Are you implying that I can't sing?" I looked at him with a serious face then later broke out into a smile. "You're not wrong."

"I suck at singing too!" Felix laughed as you guys sneak in the alley of the building.

"Lies, we all saw you singing really well in Hero's Soup," I argued back as I stood in front of a ladder. "Let's go up this ladder."

Felix looked at me with widened eyes as if I was crazy. "What? Heck no! Alaska, we could get in trouble for climbing this, isn't it like trespassing?"

"Felix, if you don't want to climb onto this ladder then you'll just be hanging down here on your own," I say with a smirk and started climbing.

"F-fine, it's really dark in the alleys anyways." Felix gave in and climbed after you.

"It's beautiful here." You say as you looked over the buildings, the lights were colorful which was something you didn't expect to see.

Felix walked over to where I was and pulled me farther from the ledge. "You might fall."

I chuckled at him and looked back at the view. "I've done this before, I think I know I have to be careful."

I sat on the ledge with my legs hanging out to which Felix stood in the same place in fear.

"Come on! You won't fall, trust yourself." I advised with a small smile.

Felix nodded slightly as he took small steps and sat next to you.

"It's really pretty, I've never done anything like this," Felix said and looked at me with a smile.

"That's because you haven't lived yet, I think being an idol means you have to also take precautions and make sure you take care of yourself. But idols should take risks and live a little, otherwise, they aren't living." I explained as I looked at the beautiful night sky.

"I mean you aren't lying," Felix paid close attention to my words. "I love performing but sometimes I think if I took the right path or not. Sometimes I just want to live as a normal teenager, playing video games really help me balance my idol life and teen life. I wish I could be as risky as you but I'm pretty sure my contract could be terminated."

Felix chuckled at the last part and started to play with his tiny hands.

"Well they don't always have to know, I bet idols date in secret. So if they can date in secret then why can't you do something to give you an adrenaline rush." I got up and offered my hand.

"Where are we going?" Felix asked as he took your hand and got up, he followed me as we got down from the building.

"Well there is a convenience store around here, aren't you hungry?" I smiled.

"Let's go!" Felix's eyes widened as you guys walked to the convenience store.

• • •

"And then I danced more, my anxiety was always the one thing that kept me from reaching my dreams. When I was little my anxiety always told me that I wasn't talented to be a singer or an idol. I didn't like talking to new people and in a room full of people I would always get scared, that's why I never improved my singing and rapping throughout the years." I sighed as I placed the chopsticks down in the cup. "But after getting into Stray Kids I felt more encouraged to improve and to just be myself, my parents wanted me to study in college but I always wanted to become a public figure."

"Wow." Felix looked at you with a serious face to show he's listening to you. "I never knew how strong you really were, you seem even stronger than me."

The Audition || Felix FF || Stray Kids ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt