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Omg I can't believe I hit 900 reads I'm dying Anyway hope you enjoy. This might be a boring chapter.

Isabelle's POV

The note. That's the reason to keep going. I found out my little brother died while I drifted off to sleep last night. The note Xander wrote me was the most beautiful thing ever. I'm sitting in my hospital bed looking at the ceiling, bored out of my mind. The doctors said one more day and they'll allow visitors and electronics again. Obviously I'm excited for that. My friends have been worried sick. Everyone had brought flowers, daisies my favorite, even that new girl, Allie.

All of a sudden I hear beeping noises from the right and my vision getting blurry. I'm having that out of body experience again and have no clue what's going on. I see my body being pushed out of the room and down the hallway. I run, faster then I ever did before, to catch up with them. I hear all this medical talk and I  start screaming. 

Xander starts running down the hall. One of the nurses stop him. "What's wrong with Isabelle? What happened? Where are you taking her?" He said. "She had some internal bleeding and she is loosing a lot of blood. We are currently taking her to surgery." She said in haste.

Apparently I'm out of surgery and I can't do anything-- another coma. Just what I need. I wonder how my family is doing. I run out of my room she's in that out of state movement thing. I first run to my mom's room. She's awaken, looks horrid, but awake. My dad's room is next door. He's asleep but looks okay. My sister and brother are on the other end of the hall. My sister looks like a truck hit her and she's asleep. And my brother, thankfully, looks okay and he's awake.

I broke down in the hall. Not because no one could hear me but because I already know what my other brother looks like. Dead. I break down but as I stans up I feel myself being pulled to my room.

I flutter my eyes and look up. I try to move but find that I can't? My friends and Xander come in and sort of cry. I wonder why? I start screaming "guys I'm here, I'm here" "what's wrong I'm right here, I'm fine" "answer me, what's wrong I'm here?"

Well that took an unexpected turn I had no idea what I was doing. I sort of just wrote. Haha ok well I hope you enjoyed vote please!!

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