Waking Up

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Thank you all so much for 700+ reads one this!

Isabelle's POV :

I could feel the doctors crowd aroud me. I can't move. It feels like I'm cemented down. But I will push just to be with Xander. Anything to be with Xander. I started what felt like kicking but it ended up just with my feet going up and down. The doctors started to talk to me, I don't really know what they're saying though. I balled my hands into a fist and noticed something. Something was in my hand. I kept my fist tight so I could see it when I'm ready.

The I breathed in air and started choking. The doctors frantically tried to remove some sort of tube from my throat. I started breathing normally and fluttering my eyes. I opened my eyes. I didnt even realize that Xander was sitting right next to me.

Xander started sobbing and saying it was ok. "Xander" I whispered. "Yes Isabelle" he replied. "What's in my hand" I said as I opened my fist. "It's a note, would you want me to read it to you?" He said almost nervously. It read

"Dear beautiful Isabelle,
You are the greatest human being I have ever met. You have always been there for me and never let me down. But I have let you down, I have let you fall before I could even catch you. I've let you down because I didn't realize how much you cared. I was so fixated on being popular, I forgot the real values of our friendship. I want you to know that I love you and nothing will ever change that. That moment when you moved here, I felt like the luckiest person because you were my best friend. I avoided you in middle school, but every now and then you would walk by. Your sweet laugh was what kept me away, because I knew if I was around it I would fall in love. But the more I avoided it the more I became in love with you. Sweet Isabelle Fuhrman I am hopelessly in love with you."
Alexander Ludwig

So I saw Mockingjay twice. I cried and can't stop singing The hanging tree. Sorry for short chapter. Love all you guys and vote.

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