“You know, I keep offering to tutor you in mathematics and science,” Ned continued. “If you want, I can help you over the summer.” Lucas just shrugged his shoulders.

“Maybe,” he quickly murmured.

“That’s another thing I wanna talk to you about,” Ned continued. “I’ve heard you talk more today than I have the whole school year! How do you expect to succeed in life without talking?” Again, Lucas just shrugged his shoulders.

“Whatever,” Ned murmured.

After the bell rang, the chemistry teacher, Mr. Ladelson, stood in front of the class and smiled his signature grin.

“Now, class, I know Mr. Felchee wants the last school day to be like any other day,” he told everyone, “but what he doesn’t know can’t hurt him!” He then winked and turned on the overhead projector. It then projected the image of the main menu of a movie!

Instantly, everyone started cheering! Lucas just let out a huge sigh of relief. He was glad to get the last class over with something easy.

“Now, if I turn out the lights, I will expect there to be no sneaky PDA, correct, Mister Tolban and Miss Folquen?”

Everyone instantly turned towards Jerry Tolban and Chelsea Folquen, who happened to be lab partners and the school’s most popular couple. The two seemed like they had been dating since forever and they seemed to have no shame in displaying their affection for each other.

“Of course, Mr. Ladelson,” Jerry said with a smile. “We can control ourselves.”

“What he said,” Chelsea replied.

Mr. Ladelson then just smiled again, turned off the lights, and started the movie.

A few minutes into the film, Lucas quickly glanced back at the couple and saw them, not surprisingly, making out very quietly. He just rolled his eyes and turned back to the movie.

“Did you know if Dr. Banner were really hit with as much gamma radiation as they claimed he did, he would’ve died?” Ned suddenly whispered to Lucas. Lucas turned at him and slowly nodded his head.

“I’ve seen the movie before,” he replied. “Stark tells him that later on.”


“Shhh!” someone whispered behind the guys. They turned around and saw Becky Lexington with her pointer finger in front of her mouth.

“I’m trying to watch this!” she whispered. Lucas just rolled his eyes and turned back around.

Finally, with five minutes remaining in class, Mr. Ladelson stopped the movie and turned the lights back on. Lucas was surprised Jerry and Chelsea got back into non-kissing position fast enough.

“Ok, class,” he told them all, “As usual, we will now check online for any new news articles.”

Some of the class rolled their eyes, but the other students, including Lucas, lightly cheered; Lucas liked knowing what was going on in the world.

Mr. Ladelson sat at his desk and looked through his computer.

“Let’s see...” he murmured. “A teacher in Massachusetts was arrested for giving marijuana to a freshman student.”

Half the class instantly went into ‘Are you serious?!’ mode and the other half started laughing. Lucas wasn’t surprised; that half was mainly the druggies.

“Also, the new iPhone is said to be better than all those before it.”

“Yeah, they say that every year!” Ned said aloud. “I’ll believe them when it actually happens!” Surprisingly, the class started laughing, though Lucas wasn’t sure if it was because the joke was funny or if he was just being nerdy as usual.

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