Part 6

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At this  moment I forgot everything.

Everyone is watching me...

[Me started to say]

Hii..I am tanha.I am from California.
Me and my mom live here.
Hmm.That's all.

Then teacher told us to seat.
Our College finished at 2 pm.
Then me and raees going back to home.

We were walking .
Then Raees said
Dude I have to go.
Then I asked him. Where?
To pick Fiza.
Ok .bye

Then he said to me.
Don't be late today in coaching.
Ok see you.

This is the perfect time.
Now I am totally alone.I really love my own company. The weather is really nice. I am loving it.

[In Coaching gate Tanha is waiting for Raees]
Beep beep
*Phone is ringing*
Where are you Tanha?
I am at coaching gate.
Coming in 1 min
Come fast .
We are gonna be late.

After a while Raees came and say
Dude I am here.
Ok let's go inside.
No no man.we are not gonna go in coaching.
Let's bunk
Are you CRAZY?Raees?
If mom's know about this.
Stop tanha.
No one's gonna say that.
Alright.Where will we go?
We will go in St.kon lake.
What Say?
Good.Let's go.

We went there on a bus.In afternoon the lake becomes very beautiful.
How is your crush?
I don't know why you are not sharing this story with me.
Come on man.Say
Ok I will say.Raees
But you have to promise me that you won't tell to anyone?
Ok deal Done.

It is about 5 days ago.I was sitting on a black bench.And waiting for you.

Then suddenly I saw a girl.Then I realized
SHE is the most beautiful girl In this world.

               [Tanha describes her ]

She was in black dress.Black hair,Brown eyes,her smile.These makes her  special more than any others.She was talking to her friends.
For a moment I just forgot where am I?

Then what happened?
Did you talked or stalked her .

From that day I always go there to see her.  I came at that bench everyday,to see her.
Do u see her everyday?
Yes.but not anymore.


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