six (desire)

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a/n: This is the song that I was listening to as I write (not quite related to the chapter) because it gives me that ~date vibes~ I enjoyed it, hope you did as well (*'∀`*)

They watched in silence at the children playing in the fields. There were other families as well, spending quality time together while appreciating nature. A cool breeze passed by, shaking the trees, bringing about a faint floral scent in the air. It was a lovely and serene afternoon.

Eddy sure knows how to plan a date.

Brett found himself falling even more for the other man. At his thoughtfulness and sensitive side. He was humble and kind despite his background.

Another pleasant breeze blew, and petals fell down on them. He turned around to look at Eddy, who he realised had been quiet since a while now. It seemed that he had fallen asleep, breathing softly with his hand supporting the back of his head. Brett noticed one particular petal landed just perfectly on the tip of Eddy's nose. He let out a small, quiet giggle to himself, amused by how such a coincidence could happen. Then again, coincidences do happen. It was just like how they met, two people of such different worlds collided. It was the most mundane miracle, it wasn't anything special but it was certainly magical.

He leaned over closer to him and carefully took the petal away. In the exact same moment, Eddy opened his eyes, surprising Brett. Neither said a word. Their faces were just centimetres apart that they could feel the each other's breaths. They looked into each other's eyes inquisitively, searching for any signs of doubt, any reasons that should stop them from feeling the way they do. When Eddy closed his eyes, Brett was convinced of his feelings. He wanted this.

He leaned down closer and closer. Their eyelids gradually shutting to a close. Just as their lips were at a hair's breadth from touching, a shrill laughter of a child passing by startled them out of the little moment they were having. This caused Brett to pull away much to Eddy's dismay. Brett's face flushed pink as he averted his gaze, feeling flustered. He wasn't sure if his heart was beating rapidly from the shock or the embarrassment of what they were about to do.

"I- I was just- There.. There was a piece of petal on your nose! I wanted to pluck it away.." Brett said as he showed him the petal, still pinched between his fingers as proof.

Eddy stared at it, dumbfounded, before breaking into a fit of laughter. Brett watched him in bewilderment, still restless about the whole situation. Eddy rested his hand on the top of Brett's head and ruffled his hair gently, smiling warmly at the other as he did so. "Thanks."

Brett grinned and laughed along with him, feeling funny at the turn of events. "You're welcome."

Soon enough, they packed everything up and got ready to leave the park. As they agreed earlier, Brett brought Eddy to the nearest bubble tea shop they could find. Neither of them spoke about the little incident earlier. Probably too embarrassed to.

"Which one do you want?" Brett asked him excitedly.

"How about you decide for me? Nothing too crazy though." Eddy's eyes spun from looking at the vast expanse of colourful drinks on the menu.

"Alright, sure."

As soon as they got their order, Brett waited for Eddy to try his drink. Eddy's expression as he took his first sip of the beverage was the most priceless thing Brett had ever seen. He was glad that he got his reaction on his vlog camera, that he used to film parts of his travels.

With their bubble teas in tow, Eddy took him on a drive around the coastal areas. As the day was coming to an end, Brett was reminded of the sunset on the day they first met. There was a strange feeling inside of him. Was it nostalgia? It was just a few days ago yet he couldn't help feeling a little sad because he knew that their days were numbered. He would return to his country soon. He should talk to Eddy about it but he didn't want to ruin the moment. So for now, Brett decided to simply smile and look at him, etching his face into his memory, remembering all of him as much as he could.

Eddy drove slowly on the way back to Brett's hotel. Hoping to spend, even if just a little bit more time with him before the date ended. Pushing in just one more topic to talk about. Laughing at one more silly joke.

Eventually, they've arrived at the lobby. Brett sat there, unbudging from his seat, playing awkwardly with his fingers. "Um, would you.. like to walk me to my room? We can still talk along the way.."

I want to be with you a little longer..


The elevator ride was way too short for Brett's liking. Soon enough, they were standing in front of Brett's room.

"Thank you for today. I had a great time, Eddy. I really did." He looked at him, hoping Eddy could feel his sincerity.

I don't want to leave just yet.

"I did too. You're an amazing company, Brett." Eddy smiled, trying not to show how sad he was at them parting ways. How he wished the day was longer.

Don't leave..

"Well then, have a good night." When Brett turned around to open the door, it was then that Eddy decided to throw all logics and rationale aside and stop thinking too much for once.

He pulled Brett back by the hand and kissed him on the lips. It was at that moment, time seemed to halt to a complete stop. It felt like they were the only two people in the world. Eddy's hand went up to hold the back of his neck, coaxing him gently. Brett melted into the kiss and responded to him, letting Eddy know that he wanted this as well. His hand touched Eddy's face tenderly as they deepened the kiss. His cheeks felt warm and his body felt cathartic, the emotions inside of him bursted out uncontrollably.

They pulled away, resting their foreheads on each other. Brett didn't even notice that he was pushed up against the wall. They were lucky that nobody was passing by the hallways. He breathed heavily as he whispered in a low voice, "Eddy.. please stay..?" He looked at him, with glassy, pleading eyes and Eddy's heart felt like it was about to explode.

How could I say no to that?

Eddy smiled and kissed him again, mumbling in between breaths. "For you, anything."

After much struggling with the access card, what with Eddy kissing the nape of his neck, and his hands roaming around his torso, Brett finally, successfully opened the door.

He didn't waste any time in kissing Eddy again, and the door closed shut behind them.

a/n: I'm too old and tired to write a nsfw chapter so yea I leave the rest to your ~imagination~ ('⊙ω⊙')

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