four (confession)

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Eddy dragged his foot as he walked, trying his best to stay interested in what the guide was explaining about the aquarium. It was some kind of meeting with the managers. They were showing the improvements that has been made and throwing ideas on how to better customer service and sea lives welfare. Boring business management stuff. Well, it was so obvious to him that they were trying hard to impress him so that he'd put in a good word about them to his parents. Nothing really faze him anymore.

He didn't see the point in joining these meetings when he wasn't directly involved in managing the family business. He built his dream of opening a law firm overseas with his own two hands, completely detached from any strings to his family. He was doing good by himself.

His decision was respected by his parents but that didn't mean that they had given up. Eddy was and still would be the heir of his family's wealth. And the heavy responsibility that came with it. Nothing could change that fact. They had insisted that he fly back home for the holidays to spend time with the family. Yet all they talked about was work. He sighed for the umpteenth time, hoping it would end quick. The aquarium quickly became one of the famous tourist spots. Business boomed as it was the holidays.

Brett would love to come here..

Eddy couldn't stop thinking about the bespectacled violinist, admittedly, since the day he saw him at the gardens. He was enamoured by his performance. Brett had such a sorrowful expression as he played. Yet he was beautiful. As if he was in a trance, Eddy was completely bewitched to say the least. He was lost in the music and at the sight of him. How lucky it was for him to bump into Brett again at the theme park when he came over for a meeting.

Eddy got to know him more as they talked at the beach. Brett turned out to be such a charming man. With an exquisite mind and a passionate soul for music. He chuckled to himself remembering how Brett would sometimes glance at him but he pretended not to noticed. It was a shame he couldn't treat him to dinner. He would love to get closer to him. Wonder if I'll see him again. I should've asked for his number.

"Sir, is there something wrong?"

Eddy realised he had been daydreaming since a while now it seemed. "Oh, apologies. Please, do continue."

The group resumed the tour and their discussion. Eddy was about to join them when he noticed a familiar back with a violin case on it. The man was staring at the tropical fish tank with interest.

It couldn't be.. could it?

Curiosity won over his judgement and he hastened over to tap the man's shoulder. He turned around and true enough, it was Brett. He could see that he was also as surprised as he was to see him here.

"Eddy? Why are you-" Before Brett could finish his sentence, he was pulled to the side by him.

They hid behind a cardboard cutout of the aquarium mascot. Eddy brought his finger to his lips, motioning him to keep his voice down. Brett was confused but complied. He gulped at how close they were in the cramped space.

He heard a small group of people calling out for someone. "Sir? Mr. Chen? Where did he go?" They looked around the area but moved on to the next when he couldn't be found.

Eddy breathed a sigh of relief then he realised the situation he had put them in. "Oh, sorry! I must've startled you." They stepped out of the hiding spot.

"Mind filling me in on what I missed? I'm pretty sure they were searching for you, Mr. Chen." He emphasised on his name.

Eddy laughed awkwardly. "Oh, it was just family- I mean, work related stuff. Don't worry 'bout it. We were almost done anyway."

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