Chapter 3

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Ashley's POV

I opened the door and couldn't believe what I saw


"Looks like you enjoying your hang out" I sad between sobs

"Ashley, this isn't what it looks like " Ross said

"Really cause it looks like your cheating me with Laura" I said

"That's exactly what he's doing" Laura said

"I'm done, WERE DONE, I can't date you anymore" I told ross

Now he was actually crying

I ran out and drove home

When I got there I walked in and opened the door I was walking up to my, the old guest, room when I bumped into someone

"Sorry" i said while crying

"Hey, why are you crying " Riker said

" Ross......Laura.....kissing.....cheated" I said between sobs

" Oh" was all Riker said
"It will be ok ill help you get through this" he said

"Thanks riker" is said
We were now in the guest room

"Is it because I'm ugly" I asked

"No no no, you are not ugly you are gorgeousness, and if he's to stupid to see then he's not worth it" he stated

"You think I'm pretty" I asked

"I think your beautiful" riker said

"Thanks Riker" I said

And before I knew it he was leaning in
And I was leaning to!

Before I knew it our lips touched
We were kissing and I felt sparks

Then someone barged in, I heard

We both pulled away and I smiled embarrassed

Then I heard something " I see you've already gotten over me" Ross says

Oh no he was the one who had barged in

"Yeah I guess I did just like you" I said sternly

He sighed and walked out

" sorry riker I just got caught up in the moment" i said

"It's ok I've actually been waiting for that" he says cheekily

"Really" I asked

"Yeah" he says and walks out embarrassed

I started walking down the stairs and I find Ross and Laura making out again

"Get a room" I said

"Maybe we will" Laura said

"I don't think so" Ross says

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