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Evel sat down on his chair, continuously typing up his document about beys. The blue-haired male's eyes were as expressionless as ever. His mind never wandered from the endless abyss of words in front of him. His eyes squinted, scanning the document for any mistakes.  His train of thought finally came to an end when he heard the alien twins,  Phi and Hyde shrieking at each other like they were summoning demons from outside the laboratory walls.

"Keep it down you two, I'm trying to type!"

Unfortunately, his shout was quickly drowned by the twins' shrieking. Phi and Hyde gave a blind eye to the angry shout that the scientist just gave them. Sighing, Evel blocked his ears and his attention returned to his document. The beasts within the beys, the title proudly stated in bold writing.

Quadrillions of years ago, there was a time where the Beybeasts once ruled all nine dimensions. There were many different forms of these species. Some were Knights, tall and proud with their sword in hand, some were ogres, hideous to look at but mighty warriors, some were dragons whose breath scorched anything in its path. The list goes on and on. There were nine main types- the Beasts of war, fire, ice, electricity, light, darkness, life and death. One type inhabited each one of the nine dimensions. Unfortunately, these creatures were not comfortable with their neighbors and homes, and quarrels started to form between species for territory purposes. Fights broke out and still the species were blinded by the greed for another dimension to call their own. It reached it's peak when war waged between the monster tribes. Blood was shed and many of the monsters fell and could continue no more. Some were captured by enemy tribes and were brutally tortured. Ironically, through all this bloodshed none of them died thanks to their divine powers of immortality, but still, the war waged on, and none of the species gave a thought on-


The force of the explosion smashed through the castle, taking Evel by surprise and sending him flying headfirst into his computer before bolting upright in his chair at the last second. There was no way that Phi and Hyde could be that loud, and judging by the look on their faces when Evel busted through the door, they had no idea what was going on either. However, their expressions all stated the same thing;  full out terror.

"It came from the courtyard!"

That was all it took to make the three panic-stricken guys run like the wind toward the courtyard, which they prayed to whatever god they believed in for it to be in one piece. Sweat dripped down their foreheads while they ran like the criminals they were, but this time it wasn't from the police. They didn't even take a break until reaching the remains of what was once the courtyard.

What was once the courtyard was now the home to a giant meteor that had crashed right in the center. It glowed a sickly mixture of purple and black, while it radiated an aura filled with malice. Dust particles still clouded the air, forcing the three males to shield their eyes. Dust or no dust, behind the cover of their arms, their eyes were the size of saucepans with their mouths hanging open. They didn't look away from the horrific crash site even when they heard Kyle and Count night running after them and panting.

"What happened here- whoa!"

Kyle came to a halt the second he saw the meteor. The poor kid was even more shocked than the time when the time his phone was broken, so naturally, he was lost for words. Count night was sprinting faster than ever before in his life of theft and even through all his experience of strange artifacts, his mouth still hung open the second he saw the massive space rock. Every member of the Dread tower gang was there, and speechless from this space rock exiled from the galaxy.

Then came the laughing

It was loud, piercing, psychotic and sadistic. It sounded like Lui's-no, not even Lui had a laugh that reached that level of psychoticness. Red eye made it on the list, but Red eye disappeared when Shu took over. Phi was a suspect, but this laugh was more feminine. Phi was also standing right next to them, trying to shove away Hyde, who was cowering behind him. Kyle backed away from the meteor and whimpered like an injured dog. Count night tried to hide in the shadows in the shadows, but to no avail, the meteor's aura was too strong. Even Phi took a few steps back after mere seconds of the laughter. The dust was lifting, and so did the curtain of mystery behind the figure with the monster cry.

 The dust was lifting, and so did the curtain of mystery behind the figure with the monster cry

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A female kitsune stood at the top of the meteor. Long, black, messy hair reached her waist. Nine black fox tails were attached to her body. A black kitsune mask was attached to her head, and one of her eyes were blind. She was dressed in a black short-skirted kimono and for some unknown and terrifying reason, a scythe was in her hand. Her psychotic laughing stopped, and she stared down at the guys with a creepy smirk on her face. There was a terrifying silence, until it was broken by a certain doggo boy...

"Who the hell are you?!" shouted Kyle the dog boy. "Is that your meteor?! Why the hell did you crash it at the Dread tower?! Why do you have fox tails?!"

Kyle's words didn't seem to affect the kitsune at all. "The name's Shinigami Kama. Call me Shinigami, but if you're as lazy as I think you are, call me Shini for short. And yes, I'm a kitsune. The void kind, to be specific."

Those few answers were all it took to make the guys below her stare in wonder and fear when the scientist spoke up and said the three cursed, disgusting and dirty words.

"Kitsune don't exist"

Fury swept over Shinigami like a tsunami crashing over a helpless city. She was standing right in front of him, that was proof enough! Fists clenched, she looked down at the brats, her one good eye glowing a dangerous purple. In a cloud of dust, she was gone. The Dread tower boys looked around in shock and fear, until she reappeared behind Evel, her scythe attached to his throat.

"Now do you believe in kitsune?"

Shaking with fear, Evel had no choice but to splutter out his apologies. Sniggering, Shinigami took her weapon off his throat. Noticing the horrified looks on their faces, she added,

"You may be wondering why I'm here. The answer is, I got tired of killing and decided to descend from Heaven's dungeons and play a game with you mortals. However, I have no control over what happens to you after this. The reason is that I'm honor bound to serve particular supernatural beings. These beings are none other than our dear y/n!"

Her psychotic laughing resumed, and she turned to the fourth wall, grinning, and whispered

"Let the requests come in" 

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