I throw my arms around his neck and crush my lips into his. The force and shock causing him to stumble back a step. He quickly recovers as his hand moves down my back and clutches my waist, bringing me closer to him. He slowly moves his other hand to the back of my neck, and tangles his fingers in my hair. I hold back a moan as he gently tugs my hair, and pulls my head back to deepen the kiss.

Everything about this man is intoxicating. The way his lips expertly move against mine in perfect sync. The way his large, warm hands wander my body, and send delicious shivers down my spine. Nothing else matters but us, here and now. All I taste are his sweet, soft lips. All I smell is him. Earthy. Woody. Spicy. Leather. Sweat. All I feel are his large, calloused hands on me, and his body pressed against mine. All I hear is the sound of our ragged breaths, and my roaring heart.

My mind is numb, quiet. Only focused on Darien. He gently lowers us to the ground until I'm sitting, and he's squatting over me. He hesitantly breaks the kiss, giving me a few quick pecks before pulling his face away to look at me.

I slowly open my eyes, and I'm met with a beaming smile, and sad, conflicted emeralds.

He wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly. I melt into him, feeling safe despite our current location, and situation.

"I'll be by your side for this final battle..." he breathes into my hair, before hesitantly letting me go. He rises to his feet, and steps away from me, closer toward the corrupt sword. My eyes widen in fear as I reach out to him.

"Darien, what are you doing!?" I shout as I prepare to lunge at him and stop him.

"I'm sorry." He whispers as he takes the hilt of Dawnbreaker into his hands.

"No!" I scream mid air. A bright light flashes, and blinds me as Darien's hand makes contact with the sword. I hit the ground hard, quickly scrambling to my hands and knees. "Darien?" I hiss and frantically feel around the floor for him. "Darien!" I call out as I clumsily pick myself up, and strain my ears to hear even the slightest breath. "Darien..." I whisper. I'm met with heartbreaking silence. I'm completely alone.

After a moment, my eyesight fully returns. I fall to my knees as I stare at the spot where the love of my life previously stood only seconds before.

Now, a restored Dawnbreaker brightly floats in his place. Overwhelming emotions hit me like a tidal wave as my mind registers what just happened. So many emotions.

So. Many. Emotions.








I don't know what to do with myself. The emotions continue to fester, and the painful pressure swells in my chest. I feel like a volcano about to erupt. And that's exactly what I do. I erupt. I throw my head back and let out a long, agonizing roar.

I fall back on my butt, hugging my knees close to my chest as I rock myself back and forth. I tightly wrap my arms around myself, hoping if I squeeze hard enough, I can keep myself from falling apart. It doesn't work.

That bastard.

That stupid bastard...

We could have found another way! We could have! We could have...

I bury my face into my knees, making myself small. My shoulders jerking violently as I sob. How dare he leave me... a second time! He still owes me a drink at the Tavern.


My Darien...

My sobs slowly come to a stop as my eyes fall on the incandescent sword. My sorrow is quickly replaced by rage.

This all happened because of greedy, power hungry Daedric Princes. And I know the first one I'm going to slaughter for tearing away my future. For killing Ritemaster Iachesis. For taking Darien away from me. For causing me to feel this pain.


I pick myself up with a sniffle, and slowly reach out to the hilt of Dawnbreaker. It's power surges through me and strengthens me tenfold.

...filling me with a warmth very similar to Darien's. My bottom lip quivers, as a small, sad smile tugs at the corner of my lips. Fresh tears begin to form and I quickly look away trying to reign them in.

After a moment, I take a deep breath and exhale as I blink away my unshed tears. My somber gaze returns to the sword in my hand.

This is for you...

My love...

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