"What is the difference, Potter, between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

I see the muggle-born girl, Granger, raise her hand higher

"I don't know," Charles whispers, "I think Hermoine does, though, why don't you try her?"

That's not something Charles would say

Charles and I make eye contact

his eyes say it all

he's doing the same thing I am

playing his part

Professor Snape does not look very happy

I don't think he should take his hate for James out of Charles though

"Sit down" he tells Granger "Hadrian" I snap my head up to him "perhaps you know the answers, your brother seems to not"

everyone knows about me being an adoptive Potter

I look at Charles

he looks at me with a clear look telling me he knows

"Of course, Professor Snape. Asphodel and Wormwood make a sleeping potion, a powerful one known at Draught of the Living Dead. A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat, it saves you from almost all potions. As for Monkshood and Wolfsbane, which are the same plant. These two can also be presented as aconite." I recite

"Well? Take notes!" Snape says "A point will be taken for cheek, Potter"

The rest of the class was just as entertaining

We were set in pairs, except for me.

There are an odd number of people in class. It's fine, I work better alone.

Snape criticized everyone's work except for mine, he even told Charles he should be more like me

Neville ended up melting Finnegan's cauldron

To say Professor Snape was mad would be an under statement

he blamed in on Charles, taking away another point from Gryffindor

Charles wanted to say something but agent orange stopped him

The funny thing was that I couldn't bring myself to be mad at Professor Snape

When class ends I decide I need to talk to Charles

Charles pov.

"What do you want, Riddle" Ron asks my brother

"Shut up, agent orange. I came to talk to Charles" Hadrian says

"So talk" Ron states

Hadrian sighs "Alone"

I turn to them "It's alright Ron, It's only Har"

Ron eventually leaves

"Out of all the Gryffindor's your still hanging out with him?" Hadrian asks

"If that's what you wanted then I'm gonna go" I lead off

he huffs "Don't take what Snape said or did to heart, but I know you will anyway. The feud that's going on is between James and Professor Snape. He shouldn't have included you"

"I get that, but why do you have to be an ass the whole time" I ask

Hadrian sighs "I have to live up to my name, like you are"

we look at each other before parting ways

Hadrian's pov.

That was awkward

After picking up Blaise we go down to the chamber

"Welcome to the Chamber of Secrets" I announce once we step down the stairs

He looks at me weirdly "that's a real thing"

I furrow my eyebrows "No I said that just to mess with you. Yes of course, the monster everything is real. Come of then, the house is nicer"

"You live in a blood mansion" Blade comments once inside the house

smirking we walk further into the house "SALAZAR" I yell

"BOO" he says scaring Blade

I glare at him, he does this all the time

After Salazar is done laughing he says "Alright, come sit"

after sitting on the couch I decide I should probably introduce Blaise formally "This is Blaise Zabini"

"Zabini, your father was a great guy. He was a lot better then your grandfather. I could never scare your father" Salazar says

an elf brought out fancy cupcakes and tea


Salazar clearly did not like that Filch was working in the school

"It's a disgrace to the school to have a squib working here!" he told us "As for that cat, I would love to have her meet Rose. Every time I go have a walk around the castle that cat follows me"

I told him about the lesson we had with Snape, leaving out the part where I was checking him out

I'm eleven, I don't need to be checking people out

"I have no idea what is wrong with him. I do like the fact that you sound so interested in potions" he says

ya that's why I like potions

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