Chapter 2: Reunion and surprises

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Jacob was off with his cousins he hadn't seen in ages and I was glad he didn't get as depressed as I felt.

We reached the funeral feast venue after what seemed to take forever. Taron was walking next to me and none of us spoke a word. There were so many questions I wanted to ask him. But first and foremost, I wanted to apologise for ruining our friendship over what seemed silly.

I didn't want everyone to have a listen to our conversation though.

I sat down at one of the tables and looked around to find Taron still standing next to that table.

"Can I sit here?" he asked and gestured to the chair to my left.

I frowned. Why did he ask?

"Of course"

He hesitated for a split-second before getting out of his suit jacket and sitting down.

"It's quite warm for May" he spoke

I watched him as he rolled up his shirt sleeves.

Quite warm indeed.

How did he look like that nowadays?

My mind was off and I would kill my mother for inviting Taron. I hadn't seen him in over 10 years. I didn't want to go back to how things were when we were young, but I also didn't want to treat him like a stranger.

"So, Taron" my mom started "I see you're a quite the successful actor now"

I blinked a few times. What in the world was she talking about?

I glanced over at Taron to find him shrugging and smiling ever so lightly.

"I wouldn't exactly call it all successful" he said nonchalantly "But yes, I'm an actor"

How had I not known that?

"Don't you live in London like Elle?" my mom gestured over to me.

I was waiting for the earth to open up and swallow me whole. Why was she asking him so many questions?

Taron chuckled "I do live in London most of the time even though I have to travel quite often"

He looked over to me and his eyes were so intense I had to look away.

"I didn't know Michelle lived in London too" he continued.

I exhaled and frantically thought about something to say.

"Yeah" I said, my voice low "I've lived there for a while now"

"Elle left after –" my mom started but I shot her a glare and she stopped.

It wasn't her story to tell. It was mine.

Taron looked between me and my mom, utterly confused.

I sighed. I couldn't handle this right now.

"I better check on Jacob" I said and got up from the table.

I walked outside to find him playing football together with his cousin. I sat down on a bench and watched them. I would love to be as carefree and fearless as I was at their age. I closed my eyes in a long blink thinking back to these times when all was well.

Taron and I had practically been inseparable.

How could I ever have cut him out of my life like that?

"Michelle" I jumped when I heard Taron behind me.

I looked over to Jacob, not wanting him to see me as weak as I felt. They were too occupied having fun to notice though.

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