Violetta: I would just love to sneak in with you.

Leon: Okay, *Puts his arm around her*

Antonio: Okay, are we ready?

They went to the Airport as they checked in they were waiting for the gate to open while Diego and Fran were looking through the shops, Leon was reading magazines as Violetta was taking pictures of herself.

Leon: Babe, you're pushing my arm and I'm trying to read.

Violetta: *Takes his hand off the magazine and puts it around her* Do you feel that?

Leon: Babe, now's not the time for sex.

Violetta: It's always time for sex.

Leon: *Watches her stand up* Babe, what are you doing?

Violetta took the magazine out of his hands and sat on his lap while cuddling him.

Leon: You're not a baby Violetta.

Violetta: But I'm your baby girl.

Leon: *Cuddles her* Aww baby.

Violetta: Hmm.

Antonio: Are we ready for the plane?

Francesca: Diego, stop it.

Diego: No way you're going down.

Leon: What are you two up to?

Francesca: Ask him.

They went to the plane and Violetta didn't let go of Leon as they got on the plane, they sat in their seats and it was Francesca and Diego then Leon and Violetta, it was a four-seater so they were sat together.

After a while, they arrived in Madrid and got on a bus to take them to the hotel after taking their suitcases in.

Antonio: Okay, Leon you are in this one, Diego you are in the opposite one from him and Francesca and Violetta are the two separate rooms on either side

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Antonio: Okay, Leon you are in this one, Diego you are in the opposite one from him and Francesca and Violetta are the two separate rooms on either side.

They went into their rooms to unpack and sort themselves out ready for going out for the night, Violetta knocked on Leon's door, he opened the door topless because he just came out of the shower as she saw him in a towel, she walked in, and Leon closed the door.

Leon: What are you doing here? Baby, go get changed.

Violetta: Are you tired of me already?

Leon: No, baby it's just we must get food and you're not ready.

Violetta: Well, I was thinking of moving some of my stuff in here so when I sleepover at least I got some clothes to change into.

Leon: Baby, no stay in your own room.

Violetta: What, am I annoying you?

Leon: *Holds her hand* Baby I'm only tired, you know from the flight I just want to have food then go to bed.

Violetta: Does that mean with me or alone?

Leon: Whatever you want to do, if you want after dinner, you can here or you can go to your room, but I'm going to be asleep while you're making your decision.

They got ready for dinner and all four of them went down to dinner.

They got ready for dinner and all four of them went down to dinner

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Diego: So, how do you think the shows going to be.

Francesca: I bet it will be so amazing.

Violetta was leaning her head on Leon's shoulder.

Leon: Just think of the audience I bet it will be a great audience.

Violetta: Yeah, I haven't thought of a song yet.

Leon: Don't worry I'll help you.

Violetta: Okay. *Smiles at him and puts her head on his shoulder and he kissed her forehead*

After they ate their food, they went up to their rooms, Francesca went into Diego's room and Violetta went into Leon's room, but Leon was already asleep, so Violetta got into bed with him and put her arms around his core feeling his bare abs.

Violetta: Are you topless Leon?

Leon: I just got my joggers on babe.

Violetta: Oh, shall I sleep naked?

Leon: Naked why?

Violetta: So, then I can make you naked and have a great night with you.

Leon: Babe, your dad will be angry if I damage you more.

Violetta: Leon just, kiss me.

Leon turned to face her as she kissed him, he pulled away and fell asleep.

Violetta: Leon, you jerk.

Leon: *Opens his eyes* What did you call me?

Violetta: You're a jerk, I was hoping for more, but you fell asleep.

Leon: Don't call me a jerk baby, I told you I was tired, and now you want me to kiss you and I'm knackered.

They fell asleep.


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Thank you for reading.

I love you all.



Love me like you do *Leonetta Story* book 1Where stories live. Discover now