Chapter 2.

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You were no stranger to fangirls, you have seen them on tv many times.  Right now knowing that half these girls watching this were Willing to commit murder to get the attention you were getting.
      " Ah, Jimin, I was helping pick up her papers." Sugar says with a goofy smile.  " Ah cool hey, this looks like song drafts! Do you write miss?"    You shyly peer at the boy then look though your notebook papers to find one of your pre-written pages with your answer.  When you find it you hand it to him. 
       He raises an eyebrow and takes a cautious breath, "Y/n… you have a beautiful name, he takes another light, cautious breath, can you not speak?"  "Sugar, what are you saying?" "Y/n?" Sugar asked kindly, looking for an answer. 
       You nod your head quickly as he was the first to ask first, not judge right away.  Jimin picked up on what he was saying and with a goofy smile, "ah, don't worry at least we can understand you!" You turn away burning at your cheeks. 
       " Sugar, Jimin! Let's go, we have a lot we need to do before lunch! Their manager says smiling at the interaction with an apologetic look at you.  They all look to you and say their goodbyes before running to their group. 

  "Can I look over those again?" Yoongi asked Namjoon, who was hovering over your envelope in his lap.  He didn't even flinch, too deep in thought.  This caused Yoongi to become slightly irritated.
        " Hello~ earth to Namjoon~.  He finally snapped out of it.  " Sorry, hehe got a little focused on it."  He says quickly handing the other the papers, but held one to one paper.  He had a particular one he was fond of.  The words found something inside him he hasn't felt before.  The song expressed a singer whose voice was never heard.  Like they were mute or something. 
                        Just like Y/n. 
"I want to look at this one a little longer okay?"   " Yeah that's fine.". Yoongi said like a chirp.   "She has an amazing talent don't you think?" Sugar says looking over Yoongi's shoulder.  "Have you seen her resume?"
     " No not yet Jimin has been hogging it." Sugar says in a huff.  Namjoon eyes wander over to the lyrics you written once more and flips it over to see scores on the back.  You were given a ten out of ten.
       "She's good," " indeed." Jungkook agreed.  " Here Namjoon," V says handing it to him and swapping it out for the song lyrics.  It was filled with a list of songs you had written that have yet to be scored.  He even noted to ask about a few songs that he was fascinated by.  " Is this really her work?" " Yea," Sugar replies," they all are.". " Why isn't she famous yet? Or have a job with one of the big 3?" " I'm not sure, maybe because she can't speak?"  "As much as I hate to believe that's the reason, I think your right sugar."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2022 ⏰

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