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The world was evolving really much. 

Technology had taken over this world. 

It is a cybernectic world already. 

And a new product was being introduced to the world.

It was an android. Could take up any form of human look. They were build by a special company and was soon released not long after their development.

It was a huge hit. And soon more different type of android was being introduced, a new type of android combining animals features with android humans.

And one of them was an android kitty. They had human looks, able to speak, able to walk, able to do things once the programme was inserted inside their chips. And they have cat ears and tail, they also have cat personalities. Besides being able to talk, speak or walk, they could act like a cat too. 

People love it when the android kitty product was being introduced. Many people bought them in a special android shop in a small corner of an old building.

The shop had been existed there for a long time already. The owner of the shop is called, Lee, an old guy in his 50+ ages, but he was quite a technician coz people would take their android to him to fix it. 

Everyday he would clean up all the android in his shop making sure no dust or anything was on them. He loves android. But never owns one. No one asks why but they were grateful he was a nice person towards the androids.

But it is weird somehow as well. As there is a special android kitty that doesnt sell that well.

It was a black android kitty. He has a pale looking skin and some pinkish lips. He has beautiful dark hair and eyes. 

The black android kitty was sold off for a few times but were returned back to the shop as many times as well. 

Sometimes when peeple came in to buy androids, the kitty would help out in the shop as well. Helping Lee to clean up the shop and clean up other androids as well. But people wouldnt thought of buying him, he was one of the earliest models build and their function is limited. People wanted to upgrade their androids not making it becoming more and more outdated.

In this cybernectic city, people wants upgrade not to downgrade. 

Until that is.

One day, a man came into the shop.

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