Get out lol Ch.1

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Mega's pov.




They expect me to move out the day I turn 18. And why they decided to tell me this 3 DAYS BEFORE I TURN 18, I DON'T KNOW. Where the hell am I gonna go. I don't even have a job. How could I pay for food let alone a house.

What am I gonna do? I could ask to stay with someone? 

I sighed and went over to my laptop, my PC was currently doing some weird thing that I hadn't yet fixed. 

I went to Invaded and, for about half an hour, just caught hackers and chat offenders.

Until my peace was ruined.

The one.
The only.


Zelkam: mega mega mega



MegaPvP: why


MegaPvP: but you didnt

Zelkam: pls

MegaPvP: ok

I smirked and opened team-speak. He could be annoying, but honest to god it was cute as hell.

No shame.

Zelks pov.

Finally! Mega joined the team-speak and I immediately yelled, "HeLlO Mega!!!" like the good friend I am, without warning. He clearly didn't expect it because all I heard from his end was, "AHHHHH-" And then silence, followed by furious typing, and then a ping from Team-speak.

(idk how ts works so too bad, its gonna work like discord.)


I laughed and then responded, "Mega calm down, it was just a scream its not like I now know your whole life story or anything." This didn't seem to soot him though. I once again heard furious typing.

MegaPvP:  idc you know not to make me talk or scare me like that!!! i dont want anyone haering my voice.

I sighed. I've never pressured Mega to tell me why he was mute, but sometimes I get curious.

"Mega... If you don't exactly... mind... Would you please tell me why you won't talk to anyone, not even me? We've been friends for over 7 years. We are better friends than you and Skep, yet he's heard your voice... and all I get is the occasional scream after I scare you and you are un-muted." My tone was sad. It was genuine, I was hurt that he would talk to Skep but not me.

MegaPvP:  Zelk... I don't feel comfortable telling you. And i accidentally talked to skep... i havent even takled to him since. it was 5 years ago. i care for you zelk, but i am not comfortabel with that question

I stayed silent for a bit. 

"I just want you to know you can trust me... If you ever need help I'm here and won't hesitate to do whatever I can for you..." I meant everything and more. 

MegaPvP: anyways... what did you need me for to begin with?

"OH! I needed to record a video! And I wanted your help, afterwards, in return I will help you with a video." 

MegaPvP: ok deal

3rd pov.

The two spent over three hours recording Zelk's video. Not to mention the additional 20  minutes to get Mega's quick and easy content.

"Ahhaha! Mega you won! Good job!" Zelk squealed with delight. He and mega were teaming in a UHC, where Zelk had the misfortune of dying of fall damage. 

Mega thought for a moment. Would he keep his reputation as a slight asshole, or would he take the kind words. 

We are talking about Zelk here, Mega needs to drop the hints of course!

So he decided to accept the kind words.

MegaPvP: Wow.. i did! thanks zelk <3

Zelk read the message wanting to take the heart seriously, but knew not to. "No problem! You did great in all honestly." He smiled, although Mega couldn't see the smile, he heard the happiness in his voice. 

Damn hearing Zelk made him happy.

Mega looked to his clock, seeing that it was rather late. 1:00am to be precise. 

He knew that meant 2 more days. 

Time was going too fast, he wasn't going to find a place in time. 

He was going to be homeless.

The realization set in, his smile faded and tears pricked the edges of his eyes. He started sniffling as tears fell down his cheeks.

Zelk was confused, Mega had seemed so happy just a few seconds ago. What was wrong?

"Mega? Are you okay? Whats wrong dude?" Zelks tone was soft and sincere. 

MegaPvP: I have to go. i will talk to you later. 

And with that Mega left the call, going to his bed and burying himself in the dirty covers.

742 words.

Moving OutNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ