Episode 9- The Amazing Race Around the Island in Thirty Minute or Less

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"Last time on Total Drama All Stars 2, the campers were forced to ride the Chris McLean Coaster of Screams. Some threw up, some didn't, but in the end, the Crocs lost and everyone's favorite couple was broke apart when Jo played her immunity idol and sent Rodney home." Chris said smirking.

"Today is gonna put our contestants in one of my personal favorite challenges to see if their sea legs work." He said with a wink. "On this episode of Total Drama All Stars 2!"

Dawn approached the Alligator's cabin, hoping to find one of her old teammates there who could help her. She knocked on the door and a female voice called out, "It's open!"

Dawn twisted the doorknob and saw Dakota sitting on her bed. "Oh hey Dawn. What's up?" Dakota asked, giggling.

"Oh I just wished to talk." Dawn said, sitting on the edge of Dakotas bed.

"About?" Dakota asked, sitting on. She tucked her legs under her, sitting on them.

"Boys." Dawn said, rubbing one of her arms.

"Ooh! My favorite subject, besides being famous and shopping. And video games, kinda." Dakota said, looking sad for a second, until she smiled again. "Who we talking about now?"

"Trent. He asked me out and I'm not sure whether to say yes or no." Dawn said.

"Ooh him. He's really cute, but I guess that if he asked you out, he has to like you. Plus I get this feeling that tells me he likes you!" Dakota said.

"Really?!" Dawn asked.

"Really. Maybe you should go out." Dakota said.

"Maybe. And, don't worry about Sam, he's missing out on a great person." Dawn said, hugging Dakota.

The remaining campers had gathered around the island. Chris had a malevolent grin on his face as he uncovered a spinner, each with a contestants face on it.

"Today's challenge will be about 25% luck and... Who am I kidding? If you fail here you're done for. Anyways, this spinner will determine your reward for the next challenge. A boat race around the island!" Chris cheered. Everyone groaned.

"Okay, first up with no boat whatsoever is..." Chris said. He spun the spinner. It landed on Sammy. "Sammy! You can either A, share with a friend, or B, swim."

Sammy grabbed Topher's hand. "I think it's obvious." He said. "Lame challenge by the way." Chris glared at Topher.

"Next left without a boat is..." Chris said, spinning the spinner. "LeShawna!"

"Oh yeah baby!" LeShawna said. "If y'all got this imma take myself a break today." LeShawna said. "This fabulous body was not made for constant exercise."

"Weak effort LeShawna." Chris said. He spun the spinner again. It landed on Noah, Scarlett, Sierra, and Dave. They were left without boats.

"Next is for some old wooden boats." Chris said. He spun the wheel and Ella got a wooden boat, along with Trent and Dawn.

"Next, a decent one, the Jet Skis." Chris said. He spun the wheel and it landed on Courtney.

"Yeah finally some luck!" Courtney cheered.

Chris spun it again. "Topher gets a Jet Ski." Chris said. Topher cheered.

"And finally so does Staci." Chris said.

"Ooh yay!" Staci cheered. "My great great grandfather invented Jet Skis!"

"Um, no he didn't." Chris said. "Unless he was Clayton Jacobson the Second, which I doubt."

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