"let's go?" renjun asked, grabbing the car keys. "woah, where did you get that? you also drive?" chenle asked and renjun lightly kicked the older leg, signaling him to shut up, cause he's ruining the plan.

but donghyuck didn't really notice cause he's too busy looking at his phone, yet his fingers weren't moving, he was just frozen.

"let's go..?" renjun asked, trying to lift the mood, which it did, a little. they grabbed their own bags and hopped into the car, renjun is driving and donghyuck sitting beside him and chenle sat at the back.

mark paced back and forth in his own place when he found out that the three is on the way, he looks around and biting his nails on how nervous he was.

"hey jaemin," he walked towards the younger who is also busy observing the place. "can they hurry up?" mark asked, and his tone becomes very shaky.

"okay, okay, i'll tell them." jaemin nodded. the older checked his watch for a time, 6:00 pm, exact, the sun is setting and it means that they are coming.

"do you really think we're heading the right way?" asked donghyuck, looking at the dark road. they've been at the ride for almost an hour or maybe more than that, they're like out of nowhere.

renjun nodded and gave him a reassuring smile before placing his gaze back at the road. donghyuck just trusted his best friend and leaned back in the seat, letting out a sigh.

"why?" chenle asked from behind, the older shook his head as 'nothing' the younger male looked at renjun from the mirror and mouths, "is he mad?"

renjun didn't know what's wrong either.

after a few turns here and there, they finally reached their destination, the older grabbed donghyuck's hand and squeezed it, "let's go?"

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