"Okay. Well, I'm gonna take my food, then go to bed. Good night." I say, grabbing my food and milkshake and running upstairs, locking my door. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding from being downstairs around them. Setting my food and drink down on my side table, I pull my phone out to text the group.

ThE kOoL cIdS

11:00pm me: Guess who's able to go?!

11:01pm bea: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!

11:02pm bea: Okay, so I'll text you all tomorrow! Love you guys!


11:05pm bea: So, just figured I should say this now, EVERYONE COME TO MY HOUSE BY 9AM! My parents will still be there Morgs, but they shouldn't be in our way.

11:07pm me: My parents are leaving for the rest of the summer tomorrow. They said they should be gone before I wake up, so just come by my house. No adult will bother us.

11:07pm bea: Awesome! So, in case you're missing something- GO TO MORGS HOUSE TOMORROW! Okay, but seriously, I need sleep. Love you guys!!

11:08pm normy: Got the message, gonna go to sleep now, or just watch some of my horror movies 👻🧟🧛🏻🪓🔪🩸lol 😂. Love you all!

11:08pm chrissyyyy: Yeah, I gotta hit the hay! Loveeeee youuuuuussssss

11:09pm me: Okay, okay, love you guys.

11:10pm wirtthewiz: Love you guys too. But go the hell to sleep!

11:10pm me: Okay Wirt! Geezz, we've only been talking for like 10 minutes but whatever lol. See you all tomorrow!

I love these idiots. Can't wait until tomorrow. My night started with me having a mental breakdown, and it ends with me smiling over how idiotic my best friends are. Ugh Friday can't seem to get here fast enough. Speaking- err thinking of which, I should probably call or text Mabel about what Grunkle Stan's number is. I can do this, so I scroll through my contacts until I get to her number. Just gonna hit call since that means honestly I could get this over with faster.

Hearing the ringing, meaning that its going through, I wait a few moments. She finally picks up after the 7th ring. *Hello?* I hear her say rather loudly. "Hey, Mabes. It's-It's me." I reply, quieter than she had answered; hoping she would get the message and speak quieter. *DIPPER!* Clearly she did not. *OH MY GOSH! I MISS YOU! WADDLES SAYS HI!* She should have just screamed at this point. "Hi. Anyways Mabes-" I start, only to be cut off. God I hate that. *So, there's a lot of stuff that's changed here! Like for example SOOS HAS A BABY!* She starts rambling on about that, but all I wanna do is get the number and then go to bed. "Mabel. I'm calling for a reason. I just need something quickly, then I can let you go so you can get back to your friends. Or go to sleep. I don't know." I tell her quickly, she seems to shut up from that. *Oh. So then what do you want?* Great job Morgan. You had to disappoint her. She actually thought you cared about what was going on there. 'Shut the hell up. I'm doing okay. I didn't know she'd actually start talking about that stuff.' I thought silently. Can't let Mabel know my thoughts. "Uh, well, my friends and I are going on a road trip around the country, and mom and dad said in order for me to go I need Grunkle Stan's number so I can check in every Saturday evening." I explain quickly. 'Just get it over with already. I'm just now realizing how tired I actually am.' All I want right now, is to hang up and go I sleep. Wow. That breakdown earlier actually wore me out, and I'm just now noticing. *That's all you called me for? Wow. Okay. Yeah sure. Whatever, his number is (9*1)8*6-0*7*. There, now you have it. Guess I'll let you go then. Bye.* After she says that, I hear a beeping noise telling me that the call was disconnected. Luckily, I wrote the number down already and added the number into my phone. Maybe I should text him quickly. Just so he doesn't freak out about my number....yeah. Then I'm gonna go to sleep.

Grunkle Stan

11:25pm me: Hey. Just wanted to shoot you a text so you'd have my number.

11:25pm grunkle stan: Who is this?

11:27pm me: Uhhh.....Dipper?

11:30pm grunkle stan: Oh. Okay. Nobody here, except for Mabel, has heard from you in nearly 4 years. So why are you just now contacting me?

Wow. Gonna guilt trip me. Okay. Damn. I mean, that's fair, I didn't even tell you my actual name now. I gave you a dead nickname. So. Fair enough. Just get it over with, and go to bed.

Grunkle Stan

11:31pm me: Just need to be able to call you every Saturday night. Going on a road trip with my friends, and mom said I have to check in with you every Saturday night.

11:32pm grunkle stan: So, you're just contacting me so you can go on some trip with your friends. Okay. Fine whatever.

Okay. I'm not responding to that. I'm just gonna plug my phone in and go to sleep. Tomorrow is a new day. My friends will be here the entire day, I'll be able to dress as I truly want. I'll be able to wear my makeup in the house longer than I could if everyone was home. Everything's gonna be fine you idiot.

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