💛golden heart💛 (midas x shy! self-caution reader)

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Welp lads and lass, since this is a new season, and... the buff cat... I love it. Let's got this fic started

AU: fornite chapter 2: season 2

Reader p.o.v
It was a great day at the agency with meowscles by midas side, I have a little crush on midas... he's cute, funny and cares for meowscles. I didn't really have the guts to tell him that, I like him but I don't think he feel the same. "Well this is a fanfic that this author is writing right now she knows what she is doing right? (A/n: I had no intention of 4th wall break but, I'll have to stop you there) well yes I am self aware that I am currently talking to you guys about my whole love story but other than that when I'm near or beside Midas I am flustered or blush when I'm around him." So I ask my friends to help me out over coming my shyness, that's when deadpool come in "what's up mother duckers" deadpool seem to appear out of the table, I would question his logic but I didn't anyway, meowscles got an idea "How abouwt wwiting a wettew tuwu midas thawt way youw shyness down't get in the way of speaking tuwu him. Iwt's a win win situation" I consider it done since how often Midas  stress is, I mean he is the boss and what not so make sense. Skye gave me a peace if paper and deadpool giving me a pencil that had a unicorn on it and I started to write

Midas p.o.v
I looked down at my paperwork, I was stressed out trying to finish my work. I heard my door open it was my pet cat meowscles, he hold out a letter "Hewwo mastew, i bwought uwu a wettew fwom someone. Iwt doesn't say who though."  I grab the letter from meowscles, I pet his head before he left to do who knows what, maybe jump into a box or something. I look at the letter and open it, it reads:

Roses are gold, violets are storm
I love you when I first saw you, you are my golden light that have Been locked away, but everytime I am near you your heart feels golden to me

Midas, I love you

Midas p.o.v
It was the cutest letter that I ever got, I stand up and walk to the door, when I place my hand on the door but I had second thoughts of it, but I shake my head and open the door to see y/n is at my door, I was surprised that they were at my door, I ask "did you write this?" They nod there head "i-i wanna write something to make you feel better, since your stressed a lot and I wanna write something just to let you know someone love you..." I was taken back on what y/n said, I felt tears coming my right eye.

Y/n p.o.v
'Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh I made him cried, what should I do' I thought he was crying from sadness but he was laughing too!?' I felt myself being picked up and spinning around, he was laughing and I was laughing too. After we stop spinning, he place me down. He looked at me with his white and yellow eyes "I love you too, my golden sunshine" and kissed me on the lips, I kissed back it was the most wholesome moment we had, 'well for 5 seconds' as the explosion from behind us happen, it was drift, lynx, brite, and raven. We look over and they were surprised "uh... wrong timing?" Then all four of them got shot the end!
Took a day and all my school day, welp XxMoon_EclipsexX your Midas x reader is ready and up, sorry if its short, also I think you ment that somewhat aware, I didn't know what it mean, so I look it up and self awareness idk

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