soon to be... I guess(kenji x fem!reader)

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I don't know why i did this but here here ya go you thirsty kenji fans, enjoy this ninja boi, this takes place in modern au in Japan, I'll add refrence to other characters as well. But enjoy!

Kenji p.o.v
Me and y/n were enjoying walking through neon tilted, much like regular tilted. We head to a fairly famous resturant called 'lucky nine-tail' named after a nine tail fox, yes I'm going on the date with my finance (y/n), she is the sweetest person i have ever loved, me and (y/n) have been dating for like 8 months yet haven't ask to marry her yet? Because, expose interaction like, get interrupted by Sunbird, on dates at a restaurant but it get blow up by the mechs and then there's the beach... oh boy I didn't like it one FUCKING bit, apparently ice king and the fire king were fighting for territory on the other part of the island and also the beach ends up black after the fight. So now I'm here hybrids home thinking of a proposal while y/n is out with her friends, I talked to hybrid "hybrid is there any place that's good enough without interruptions?" Ihybrid put his fingers on his chin thinking "how about Tokyo it's a date of a life and proposedto her there, there's no interupttion or anything, but occasionally theres gonna be some dragon left and right." I wanna ask "uh... what dragons?"hybrid looked at me with his half gold and half black eyes "well there's two brothers that have beef with eachother and kinda fight againsteachother because of dishonor crap, so becareful where you dine at or dragons gonna destroy it" I was confused but I decided it was best thanks to hybrid suggestion. I'm glad we go to Japan because I heard they made another one of lucky nine-tail so it was an opportunity.

*time skip by me and looking at rule 34 leon and raihan(CLEAR YOUR HISTORY OF YOU LOOKING UP RULE 34 FORTNITE STUFF)*

3rd p.o.v
Kenji and y/n landed in Tokyo Japan, and load and behold it's like neon tilted 24/7 that's before the cube had crash down on neon, the cube came back out of nowhere and then poof, it disapear. As we head to the west side of Japan where hybrid didn't say anything about dragons gone rampage well if it moves. It was a final momment no distraction no nothing. So I confess as I kneel down as she turn around and i see sparks in her eyes and i propose " (y/n) (l/n) your the arrow to my heart and soul, I wish for you to be with me forever together. So will you marry me?" She was tearing up and said yes as she ran to me takling in the procces we laugh and look at eachother "i love you kenji" I laugh and said "i love you too!"

Yeet (just wanna post this on Chinese new years so happy lunar year and sorry if it's short

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