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Jordan walks out of the county jail with a look of confusion on his face when he sees me. "Mom? What you doing here?". He walks over to me and gives me a hug, I hug back and smile. "Did Aniya call you? How did she find out?"

"You and I are the only two that knows about this Jordan", I assure him. "You hungry we gotta have a discussion"

"Not rea-"

I cut him off. "I'm thinking Waffle House lets go". Reluctantly he follows me and we get into my car. The whole drive he's quiet and just looking out of the window. When we arrive we are seated and looking at the menu. "I know you're wondering why I'm here right now"

"Yeah kinda", he answers back.

"Your name popped up in an investigation", I tell him seriously. Jordan looks up at me and raises his eyebrows. "Jordan I thought you were done with this whole drug thing? You can't be putting yourself in danger anymore. What about Jace?"

"Wait hold on", he says. "Tonight I went to jail for assault. Ion know nothing about no investigation ma"

"Lewis got a case the other day and your name popped up in it", I inform him. "I heard on the scanner that you got arrested tonight so this was my chance to tell you. I don't know any details , you'd have to consult with Lewis about that. But I just wanted to talk to you and ask why you are still dabbing in that business"

Jordan looks at his hands and shrugs. "I don't know I'm used to it. But I'm not fully committed like I was. I'm trying to make my dirty money clean. I think I've been doing pretty good with the club and the fitness center coming along"

"And yes I'm proud of you for that", I tell him in all honesty. He smiles a little and thanks me. "But I also know that this can drag you and your business down too Jordan. You're my son in law and I love you. I just want you to do better and I know you're better than this"

"You think Lewis will tell me everything?", He asks me desperately. "Because I don't know how something is linking back too me. I don't deal with a lot of people"

"It's gonna be a hard spot for him. This is basically his son in law against his job. I can't speak for him but all I can say is be careful", I remind him. Jordan takes it all in and I get a little nauseous all of a sudden. I get one of my pills out of my purse and I notice the way Jordan looks at them. "What?"

"Aniya were taking those when she was pregnant with Jace....", he drags. We both sit here quiet until he gasps. "Mom you pregnant!?"

I roll my eyes. "Unfortunately yes "

"Does Tre and Aniya know?

"I don't know how to tell them... I don't even know how this happened!", I rant.

Jordan smirks and looks at me sideways. "Oh Mom you know how this happened. You was too busy getting busy". I slap his arm from across the table and he laughs. "Imma be honest they ain't gone take this well"

"Yes I'm not gonna take this well", We both look up and Aniya's standing at the table looking down at Jordan. He looks at me and looks stuck. "So you can't answer your phone? Then when I do find you , you're having a deep conversation with someone I don't talk too"

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