Chapter 22: Marie's Grave

Start from the beginning

"Prove yourself." I said.

"WHAT?" He gaped, "It's me...Chase."

"You could be Gabriella too. So, prove your identity." I took few steps back from him.

He smiled," You used to look like a raccoon in your childhood."

"Don't you dare say that." I gave him an angry look.

He laughed loud, and placed his arm around my shoulder.

"At least, you believe me now."

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I missed Marie. Just came to see her Grave."

I placed my head on his shoulder, as he slipped his hand around my waist.

"Have you heard the news?"

"What news?"

"Police arrested Adrian for the murder of a woman. The same woman who fell from the roof the day we followed him."

"I thought we followed the wrong person..."

"No, it was him. Police also said that he is James Wilson, the wanted Psychopath."

"Do you think he is?" He asked.

"I don't think so. But I am so confused and scared. Adrian set the whole police station on fire to escape. He killed so many people... He's a killer, Chase."

"He had escaped from the police station?

Chase seemed worried now. There was a strange tension in his tone.

I nodded," He must have. I don't know what would happen. I'm so sorry; I dragged you into this mess."

"Hey, don't say that. It's not your fault."

He kissed the top of my head. We stopped at Marie's Grave for a while and then left the graveyard.

Chase smiled, "Hungry?"

I could feel my empty stomach churning.

"Lets' go to McDonald's." I offered him.

He opened the passenger door for me and I sat in. I was feeling so good sitting next to him. I closed my eyes, and traveled back few months to the time when there was no Adrian or Gabriella between us.

Chase spoke, "Let's just pick up the parcel and go to our favorite place."

We always used to go to a small place at the outskirts. It was a peaceful green piece of land, from where we used to see the mountains. I spent my whole childhood and teenage with Chase. He knew me more than my own mother.

"Best idea ever."

We reached the Drive-through of McDonald's in less than 15 minutes. There was a long queue there. The cars crawled forward so slowly.

Chase placed his hand on mine, "Lily, just don't worry about anything. I know, everything will be alright soon. We'll find a way to get out of this mess too."

"I hope so, Chase."

I stared out of the windows towards the main road. Chase switched on the radio, and a rock song was playing. He repeated the lyrics behind them, and crawled his car forward few spots.

Suddenly, I saw a black hooded person standing across the main road staring at us.


I shook his arm without taking my eyes off the man.

"What happened?"

"Can you see that black hooded man across the road?"

He bent forward a little to see.

"There's no one there, Lily."

The man turned around and started walking down the main road. Suddenly, the rock music changed to the death tune.

"Oh my God! Chase,Somebody's going to die."

I looked around like crazy. I tried to open my door but it was stuck. Chase moved his car to the next spot. There was nothing suspicious visible, that could kill anyone. I looked around, as the music grew louder and louder. My eyes stopped at a lamp pole on my left side, but it was bending exactly above our car. It started shaking violently.


Chase tried to open the door of his side but couldn't. He took out a Wrench from the instrument bag under his seat and broke the windscreen. As soon as we crawled out of the car, the pole smashed the car behind us, and the lamp fell on our car. The driver seat was completely smashed.

I screamed like crazy. Chase pulled me in his injured arms. There were little wounds all over our arms and legs because of crawling down through the broken glass. I saw the heads of the couple pressed against the dashboard in the car behind us. There was blood everywhere.

Chase made me sit on the side of the pavement and sat next to me with his arms around my shoulder. We waited for the ambulance silently.

The Death Kiss (Nanowrimo)#wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now