~Reuniting~ [ F + A? ]

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Mike is 26, El is 25

El's been taking it hard recently.

Mike had been away for months on a trip with work to do... You know.. work.

She's constantly thinking about him. She misses him so much that it's indescribable.

She hugs a pillow every night for comfort, calls him every single night for updates on the trip and to tell him how much she misses him. She longingly stares at pictures of them, wanting him to be right there next to her.

He can't tell her everything is gonna be okay, unless it's over call like they have been doing. It's just not the same though. He can't be there to cuddle with her before she falls asleep against his chest as he kisses her head. He isn't there to help look after their daughter, Sarah. He isn't there to rock Sarah to sleep, or to play with her.

And most importantly. He isn't there in person to support her while she's pregnant with their second child. She's a good 6-7 months into the pregnancy, so at this stage she's pretty vulnerable to her surroundings.

She however blames herself for him not being here. She knew she needed to be supervised incase something happened. But she was the one who insisted that Mike went. He would get payed a reasonable amount for going, which would definitely benefit the family. Mike was incredibly reluctant to begin with, until after weeks of convincing, gave in to El's reassurance. He wanted what's best for his wife, and so as long as she's happy, he's happy too.

However, today, she can set all her troubles aside. Mike is coming home after 3 long months of being in LA.

El was trying to put Sarah into her car seat, but the 8 month old child was kicking and squirming.

Once El finally got her in, she kept her occupied with small biscuits and a toy.

Sarah has definitely somewhat helped El throughout the 3 months of his absence. It's was if half of him is there, but the rest of him isn't. Their daughter had almost gotten used to her mother's arms constantly, El needing something to comfort her. El was always there for Sarah, and Sarah was always there for El.

El ensured Sarah was secure in her car seat, before closing the passenger seat door, and getting in on her own side, starting the car.

The drive was around 30 minutes to get to the airport. In an hour's time, El would finally be back in her only love's arms.


They finally got there. El couldn't contain her excitement. She picked Sarah up and walked towards the airport entrance.

She looked for the sign that read 'Arrivals' and followed the directions.

There the two of them were, El and Sarah Wheeler waiting for Mike to finally appear.

The anxiety was killing El. She genuinely couldn't wait any longer.

She read the signs around her that showed all the departures and flights leaving and coming into the airport.

El's smile turned into a frown, when she saw the plane from LA, labelled with the word 'Delayed'.

She sighed, going to sit down with Sarah. She sat her on her lap facing her, bouncing her up and down as Sarah gripped her mother's finger with her tiny hand.

El sat there for a moment, putting aside that it's going to be even longer until she sees Mike, for just a short while. She admired her daughter, talking to herself in her babyish gurgles, very much occupied by El's finger. She looked so intrigued, and it was heart-warming to her.

Sarah then brought El's finger to her mouth, her deep brown eyes looking up at her, as she begins teething on it. El chuckles, kissing her head ever so delicately. Sarah lets out a little squeal in response.

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