~Panick Attacks~ [A + F]

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Mike is 16, El is 15

Recently, Mike's panick attacks have been getting worse; whether they be school related, or just his body mentally breaks down for no reason. He doesn't know why they happen, they just do.

He is currently struggling with one of his episodes for a reoccurring issue: his parents had argued.

Although Ted and Karen don't often do so, when they do, it's pretty aggressive: shouting, banging of tables, mentions of divorce.

In mike's current situation, they were arguing, right as we speak. Downstairs and in the kitchen. Mike was in his room, door closed and eyes squeezed shut.

Here's a background story of what happened approximately 8 minutes ago:

They were at the dinner table, the entire family of 5: Karen, Ted, Nancy, Mike and Holly, enjoying their food.

Karen mentions something about Ted not being useful enough around the house, and he fires back with the mention of 'That's a woman's job, isn't it?', which obviously set Karen off her rockers completely.

Hearing Karen's tone of voice, Mike's eyes widened slightly, as he exchanged nervous glances with Nancy.

Nancy nodded her head to the side, suggesting they should leave. Mike nods back, a thin layer of white covering his skin.

So as their parents were fighting, Nancy quickly picked Holly up out of her chair and ran upstairs, Mike following close behind. Holly had started crying at the slight raising of voices, feeling intimidated, being the young 5 year old girl she is.

So here Mike was, bawling his eyes out in his bed, trying to take his mind mind off things.

Nancy had come in to check on him. As soon as she heard heavy breathing, she could only assume this had triggered another panick attack of his.

"Oh god.." Nancy whispers to herself.

Mike's scattered breathing and soft whimpers made Nancy go into his room, and sit right beside him.

"Hey, Mike. Is everything okay?" She asked.

Mike couldn't even respond, he was shaking too much to give any sort of acknowledgement.

Tears spilled from his eyes as Nancy look at him, thinking of what she could do to help.

She got an idea.

She wouldn't be the one needed to help him, but a certain someone she knew might just be the person to at least calm him down slightly. Nancy at this point had no other choice.

She got up, and Mike didn't even flinch at the creak of his bedfame, which was pretty loud.

Nancy ran into the hallway, where the phone was on the wall.

She dialled the number, waiting for her to pick up.

"Hello?" The soft voice of El called on the other side of the phone.

"Hey El, it's me Nancy."

El knew something was wrong by her tone of voice, also because.. Nancy never calls her, unless Mike isn't able to for whatever reason, like now.

"Oh no.. is everything okay?!" El asks, slight panick in her voice.

"Ye- well no." She says, squeezing her eyes shut at her brother struggling in his room.

El's eyes widened.

"It's Mike isn't it? Is that why you called?" She questions, nervous for the answer.

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