Rick Grimes

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~Oh my god, I just hit 600 reads! I didn't even think 1 person would read this! Thank you everyone who is reading this, and remember to comment who you want for a imagine, and if you want, tell me a story idea and I will probably do it! Thanks! Please enjoy this special: Rick Grimes! Don't read unless you're caught up to the episode right before the mid season of season 5!~

After the prison, I was lost. After terminus, I had trust issues. I only trust my group. After Glenn and Maggie leaving, I thought that that was the last I was going to see them. After Carol and Daryl leaving, I didn't know what to do. You see, Daryl is my brother, and Carol is a good friend. Now that Daryl arrived without Carol and came back with Noah, I kind of got a little hope, knowing that Beth might be alive. The only people I have left is Rick and Daryl. I have a tiny crush on Rick. Now on the road to get Carol and Beth back, I feel depressed. I don't get why people leave me, forever. And I don't want to get close to anyone else except Rick and Daryl.

We are riding in a delivery truck, towards the hospital. It's a bit tense in the truck until Daryl and Rick ask me to sing.

"Please?" Rick pleaded.


Oh, misty eye of the mountain below,

Keep careful watch of my brothers souls,

And should the sky be filled with, fire and smoke,

Keep watching over, Durin's sons.

This is due end in fire,

And we should all burn together,

Watch the flames climb high,

Into the night.

Calling out father, oh,

Stand by and we will,

Watch the flames burn auburn on,

The mountain side, High.

And if we should die tonight,

We should all die together,

Raise a glass of wine for the last time.

Calling out father, oh,

Prepare as we will,

Watch the flames burn auburn on,

The mountain side.

Desolation comes upon the sky."

I end, and everyone is looking at me, and they start clapping.

It starts getting dark, and we stop the truck, and set up camp in the woods by our truck. As Daryl keeps watch on top of the truck, everyone is asleep and I am sitting by the fire. I feel a presence sit on the log next to me.

"You did good today." I hear Rick say.

"Thanks, I always thought I was awful, at least my dad thought that." I say.

"No, you're amazing." He says putting his arm around my shoulders, and it causes me to blush. "Awe is Danni blushing?" He teases and then pokes my blushing cheeks with his pointer finger. I slap his hand away playfully.

"Stop it." I said getting nevous, and start blushing again.

"No it's cute." He says. I look up at him and he is smiling down at me. He cups my cheeks and in a blink of an eye, his soft lips are on mine. I start kissing back right away, and we pull apart, breathing heavily, and he is smiling. He rests his forehead on mine, and I smile. "I've wanted to do that for a while now." He says breathless.

"Well, I've been waiting..." I say.

"Hey! Grimes! Your turn to take watch, and I'm keeping an eye on you too! I don't want any nephews running around anytime soon, oh and you better take care of her, or you better watch your back!" I hear Daryl say, and I look to see him walking into his tent. Me and Rick start laughing and we kiss again, and we go to take watch. And once we are off of guard duty, I finally get a good nights sleep; in Ricks arms.

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