She ran her fingers over his arm and cringed. "We'll need to reset it. You'll be in a sling for class with Mcgonagal later."

Harry shrugged, "No way I can avoid it."

Arya backed out of the way as Pomfrey began to wrap Harry's arm and splinting it.

"Can you check on Mr. Malfoy Arya dear?" Madam Pomfrey asked. "he wont stop groaning and he refuses to leave."

Arya rolled her eyes and looked at Ron, Seamus and Harry who were all glaring at the Slytherin. No way she could avoid it. Stomping over to the bed, she crossed her arms and considered the sight.

Draco was lying on the bed, nursing his arm. Crabb, Goyle and Blaise were standing around the bed and Pansy was sitting next to him, fawning over him and petting his hair.

"Doesn't seem like you're in any pain," Arya remarked, raising an eyebrow.

Blaise tried to not smirk. While Draco found it virtually impossible to even talk to Arya without one of the boys shooing him away, Blaise was one of the few Slytherins that the Gryffindors allowed Arya to talk to. When Arya began to ignore Draco since last year, Blaise had spent more time especially during break with Arya and had found her quite interesting to talk to.

"You kidding me?" Draco whined. "I think it's broken."

Arya rolled her eyes and walked over. She gripped his arm and ignored the whimper he let out. Just by looking at it she knew it was just dislocated. Rubbing his shoulder, she ignored the annoyed look on Pansy's face.

"Just dislocated," she remarked before snapping it back into place.

Draco let out a yelp at the pop but felt immediately annoyed at Arya's keen sense of healing because now she was walking off back to Harry. That blasted Potter got everything!

"You can leave now Malfoy!" Arya called over her. "I would also wash your hair if I were you. I don't think Pansy washed her hands after breakfast."

There was a snicker that ran up from the other end of the room where Arya and the Gryffindors were standing around Harry. Pansy at once tangled her fingers in Draco's hair but he brushed her off. Why would she never leave him alone? didn't she see that he liked Arya?

As Arya was cleaning up the room before class with Mcgonagal, Dumbledore stepped into the Medical Bay.

"Hello Arya, I was hoping I would find you here."

"Hello professor," Arya greeted. "How may I help you?"

"How is Tinkerbell?" Dumbledore asked.

Arya looked down at her cat who now lived in the Medical bay, "Alright. The kittens will arrive any day now."

Dumbledore smiled, "Babies are always a joy to the heart. Anyway, I came here because I was wondering if you would be interested in doing a dance routine with your brothers."

"What kind?" Arya inquired. "And what for?"

"Well I was going to let you find out at class tomorrow but I should tell you anyway. The Yule Christmas ball is coming up and I wanted it to be special this year what with Harry being here and all."

Arya nodded, "I think we can figure something out."

Dumbledore smiled, "Thank you dear. Now hurry to class."

Filch was messing with the speaker again and it was making Arya chuckle whenever Mcgonagal got interrupted by a blaring squeak.

"The Yule ball has been a tradition of..." she glared at Filch and raised her voice so that he stopped. "the twiwizard tournament since its inception. On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests gather in the great hall for a night of well mannered frivolity."

The Fairy of Hogwarts // Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now