It's a very gay heaven

Start from the beginning

"There it is again!" He grabbed hold of Liam's face, hands clutching his jaw, yanking his head back. He looked down at him suspiciously, trying to find clues in his eyes.

"There is no look, okay?" Liam said in annoyance, trying to yank his head free.

"There most definitely was a look," Louis said darkly and took a few steps towards Zayn. Zayn seemed to take his approach as threatening and stood up, moved away and no doubt intentionally putting the couch between them. Distance was better when Louis was onto something. Niall was watching in interest, and Harry looked like he was dying on the couch. Louis turned to Zayn.

"Zayn, there was a look, wasn't there?" Zayn shrugged as an answer. Yeah, okay that was a definite yes. "Liam, dear. Would you please now tell me why you and your best friend share looks when talking about kissing friends? LIAM?"

"Fine. Zayn and I may have kissed," he confessed. Louis' eyes grew to the size of golf balls and he beamed. This was the best day ever! "ONCE! It was one time! And it was before Danielle so I did not cheat on her! It was one time!"

"Wow, Liam you're so convincing." Louis smiled sweetly, a smug expression all over his face. "Tell me more of how it only happened once."

"It was one time!"

"Tsss'yeah right," Harry scoffed. "Try twice."

"So we're all gay?!" Louis beamed. He clapped his hands together in a big gesture and held them clutched together at his chest. "Magnificent!"

"We're not ALL gay!" Niall interrupted as he stood from the floor. " I, my friends," he pointed at himself. "I am straight!"

"Really, Niall?" Louis raised his eyebrow.


"Again, I am very hetero!" Niall repeated.

"I've only kissed boys a few times!" Zayn defended himself.

"I'm bisexual," Harry offered lamely, raising a hand from where he was lying, face into a pillow.

"I'm not gay!!" Niall said.


"Oh come on! You're in a boyband!" Louis argued.

"Just because I'm in a boyband doesn't mean I'm gay!" Zayn exclaimed.

"No but kissing guys does!"

"CAN WE ALL JUST AGREE THAT I'M NOT GAY?!" Liam yelled, voice overpowering the others.

"No, we cannot!" Louis told him.

"Oh my god, I need to call my girlfriend!" Liam stormed into Niall's room, clutching his phone in a knuckle-whitening grip. Zayn and Niall we're yelling about not being gay and Harry still had is head in the pillow. Louis beamed as he took in the scene. Aaah, heaven. This was the best day ever. Very honestly, the best day ever. A moment later Liam came storming in to the room again.

"She's not picking up!"

"Maybe you can go cry on Zayn's shoulder?" Louis suggested.

"SHUT UP LOUIS!" Zayn yelled.

"ANYWAY, " Harry said, raising his voice for the first time. He sat up, hair a little on end and gazing tiredly at them all until they had shut their mouths. "My point was, if you can remember that far back in time, friends kiss each other all the time and I don't like Darren at all."

The three in front of him were silent for a bit and then nodded. It sounded reasonable.

"And you shouldn't just go assuming things. He can't just assume you're dating because you kissed. God, he's annoying," Harry added.

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