Do it Like the Zombies Do

Start from the beginning

Me: Their true werewolves self

I said interrupting Willa who looked at me like how do you know that

Zed: So without it you would be human

Zed said while reaching to touch Willa's moonstone she smacked his hand away

Willa: No we would die we would be nothing

Wyatt: imagine your life if you didn't hold back the real you.

I do imagine and I have felt it. I want it back so badly

Eliza: I actually have a theory that zombies have evolved without our z-bands

Not to brag but I helped her come up with that theory. Not the time sorry

Zed: *laughs nervously* z-bands are great they make you fit in

Me: No they don't they hid who you really are

Zed: Just try to fit in Just do what we do

I can't believe that Zed told them to fit in. I mean even I don't fit in

(Play song now) * she is with the werewolves on this*


Do it like the zombies do

Brush your fangs when you wake up

Comb your hair, doyourmake up

Sleep atnight, don't stay up

Do it likethe zombies do

Don't stand out when you're fittin' in

When in doubt, do the opposite


Don't listen to him


He's Hypocrite


Do it like the Zombies do

All but the werewolves and Willow

All you got do is give an inch, then we gon' take it to the top

Do it like the zombies do


When the moon is full , no howling



Don't run in the halls, no growling


I go with the werewolves on this because I don't agree with Zed


Let's go to the mall, start styling


All do it like zombies do

(Do it)

Willa and Willow

Trim your claws,get a manicure

Wyatt and Willow

Cut your bangs, leave it on the floor(Woo)


Now wag your tail like Labrador


Do it like zombies do

All you got do is give an inch then we gon' take it to the top

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